New story!!

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Hey guys I'm just letting you know that I am writing a new story!!!

It's called Fake from the beginning!!

"Wait you want Juvia to do what!!"

I yell madly at him. He stands there smirking. He says "Look my parents won't get of my back about me finding someone so if you would Fake date me."

He emphasized the fake part. Of course such a handsome guy would never want to be with me.

He is almost as worse as the bullies. I don't say anything for a while.

Then he adds in "Look I know your struggling in math, i am in the class to, so if you want me to I can tutor you."

I do need the extra help with math; but...


It was a nice clear summer day. Bora; and I are currently on a date.

He is leading me to the beach. It's my favorite place in the world.

It's so endless. It seems like it could go on; and on forever.

Seeing it always makes me feel like my problems are small. Makes them less overwhelming.

Bora sits next to me; and we relax. Then he says "Juvia I can't do this anymore."

I quickly sit up. "What do you mean?" He sighs then says "Your attitude is so gloomy. You never have a reaction to anything. Your like a statue. Dating you is like eating a potato. It isn't exciting."

Maybe I am just not meant to have a happy ending. No that's not true. I was with Bora when I went to Phantom Lord schools.

Everyone there always called me Gloomy Juvia. Because I was expressionless.

Only Gajeel was nice to me. All the other kids thought I was weird. So they left me alone.

Now though I go to Fairy Tail; and I have friends. I know love now. From my friends.

I have grown up so much since then.

I'm not the same. I turn towards him; and say "Sorry; but Juvia doesn't want to be in that position again. Juvia hopes you find someone."

Then I quickly run out of that room.

Tears are falling from my eyes.

"Juvia." I hear someone yell. I turn to see my friends standing there.

Looking at them I am reminded that I am not the same girl; and it's all thanks to them.

I hug them while thinking This is where I belong. I finally found it.

I'm giving up on youTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang