Love you like im gonna lose you

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Grays POV,

After my talk with Juvia I was very reassured about her love for me. I don't know why I ever doubted her love in the first place. Jealousy does crazy things to people.

Hopefully i will see Natsu today so he can tell me how his talk with Lucy went. I'm sure it turned out fine.

I'm on my way to pick up Juvia. We're going to walk to the guild together.

It takes a few minutes to get to Fairy Hills. I take out my cell phone and I call Juvia.

Juvia: Hello. Juvia is on her way down Gray. Just give Juvia a minute.

Gray: That's fine Juvia I'm not in a rush to go to the guild or anything. Take as much time as you need.

Juvia: Juvia thanks you Gray. Juvia will be down in a minute.

I hang up with Juvia. Now I just wait outside for her.

Finally she comes out; and what she's wearing has my jaw dropping. Juvia is wearing a dark green dress. Also she has a white ribbon around her waist; and one in her hair.

She looks absolutely gorgeous and here I am wearing a turguoise colored shirt, jeans, and a turquoise
beanie. I thought I looked good today. Now I'm not so sure.

"J-Juvia y-you look a-amazing." I say to her. I can't believe I'm stuttering. She has me stuttering like some love sick teenager would. This has got to stop.

She smiles at my compliment. Then she says "Juvia thanks you Gray. Juvia thinks Gray looks very handsome today." Juvia says.

She thinks I look handsome? Well maybe looking like an idiot and stuttering was worth it. I can't pin point it; but Juvia is extremely happy today. I wonder why? Then again Juvia usually is really happy.

As were walking to the guild Juvia hums a song. I really do love this girl. Do I tell her as often as I should? I mean I had this really bad dream last night.

I found myself dreaming in sliver and gold. Like a scene from a movie that every broken heart knows. We were walking that moonlight when you pulled me close. Split second then you disappeared then I was all alone. I woke up in tears with you by my side. Then I realized we're not promised tomorrow. So I'm gonna love you like I'm gonna lose you. I'm gonna hold you like I'm saying goodbye.

During my dream Juvia just left in an instant; and I definitely haven't had my fill of my Juvia. I love her so much; and i wonder if she even knows how much.

From now on I'm going to show Juvia more often that I love her. Even though I might become a stuttering fool. She is worth it. Seeing her smile is always going to be worth it.

I grab Juvia's hand; and then I whisper in her ear by saying "I love you Juvia, so much." I say it with all the raw emotions I try not to show. Because I love her; and she needs to know that I mean it every word of it.

Juvia's cheeks blush a bright red. Then she whispers in my ear "Juvia loves you to Gray so much." This time it's my turn to blush due to the raw emotions.

We both kind of just stand there for a minute or two. Just absorbing it all in. Yes I'll never be able to get my fill of this girl.

She makes my heart beat a thousand beats per second.

Authors note!!!!!! I'm so sorry that I haven't updated. College is a crazy ride guys, but I'm done with the school year so. Also thank you guys for sticking with me through out this story. I really do appreciate it; and I'm going to try to update more.

I'm giving up on youजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें