Coming together

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Juvias POV

I woke up to the sun shining in my face. I groaned and tried to get back under the blankets so I could sleep more. I quickly snuggled against my pillow. It was really cold which is good.

My pillow wouldn't stop moving, and I'm trying to sleep. As I begin to go to bed I realize that pillows don't move. I sat up really fast. To see Gray sleeping bedside me. When did this happen? Then last night slowly comes back.

I should probably leave though while he is still a sleep. I can only imagine the way he'd wake up. I stay for a few seconds just watching him sleep.

His hair looks so soft. I really want to touch it. I slowly run my fingers through his hair. He moves a bit so I pause for a second. When he doesn't move again I start running my hands through it again. His hair is very soft.

He moans while I'm doing it. I pause again scared he'll wake up. I quietly try to get my hands out of his hair. Once I am done I am about to stand up when Grays hands pull me back down. He lays his head on my lap then grabs my hand and says "Keep doing that it feels good." My face is tomato red. Then he adds "You tried
to leave. Why?" I don't say anything for a few seconds because I am trying to calm my racing heart.

Finally once my thoughts are clear I say "Yes Juvia was going to leave." It's quiet as Gray digest that little piece of information. He frowns then wraps his arms around my lap. "I won't let you leave Juvia. Besides I could wake up every morning happy if you woke me up like that." I blush really hard again. Darn it Gray it's hard to act normal when ever he does this.

Then Gray says "Juvia I was being serious about the hair." I slowly take both hands; and start running my hands through his hair. Gray has his hair all messy; and his morning voice is crazy. It's deep and just really good sounding. I could listen the that voice for the rest of my life.

Then I remember our deal so I say "Gray get off of Juvia your being clingy." Gray looks up at me with a weird look after I said that. "Juvia it is to early for you to be rejecting me." I give him a look as I attempt to get up. Gray just kept laying on me as I struggled to sit up. Finally I was able to get him off. I smirked triumphantly.

Gray grumbles then says "That's okay because starting today I get to love you like I should have. You were right Juvia you deserve someone to love you like you the last woman alive; and that someone is me."

I can't believe how Gray is being so sweet; and loving today. Then again I did tell him to prove it. Maybe I was wrong; but then again he is only acting like this because we're not in public.

Maybe what I'm doing is wrong. Maybe I shouldn't have Gray do this. His pride is huge; and our guild mates will be relentless. I look at Gray he has a smile on his face as he packs up.

"Gray, Juvia has changed her mind." I say to him. He stops; and turns to look at me. "You can't Juvia look I promise I will prove to you how much I love you! You just need to be patient."

I shake my head and say "No Gray Juvia meant that she changed her mind about how you can prove yourself."

Gray says "Whatever it is I'll do it. Besides what's wrong with this way?" I don't want to tell Gray that he will get hurt if he does that so I say "Well Juvia realized that you don't have to make a fool out of yourself. All Juvia wants is for You to say "I love you; and hold my hand. If that's all the affection you show me in public that is fine."

Gray smiles then says "Juvia I do love you very much; and I am sorry that I have a hard time with showing my emotions."

Gray could you be anymore perfect. After that we both pick up. I almost forgot about the flowers they are so pretty. I put them in the basket so they wouldn't get ruined.

After everything is cleaned up I say to Gray "Alright Juvia is going to go to fairy hills." I start walking until Gray says "Aren't you forgetting something?" I try to think about it I have my flowers, my keys to fairy hills dorm. I turned to Gray and say "Okay what did Juvia forget?" Gray smiles my favorite smile. Then he says in a fake upset voice "Me Juvia!! You forgot me." He walks over to me; and takes my hand.

I blush at the contact. Gray is holding hands with me. I never would have thought that this would happen. I walk with my Gray. That feels great to say my gray. He is finally mine.

After everything that we have been through he finally accepted me.

I can't help the smoke that is on my face. Nothing could possibly ever ruin this.

Wait Juvia he still has to pass the test. Grays hand has stayed in mine; but he looks uncomfortable with it. Maybe Gray doesn't like me. If he did then he would hold my have proudly.

I slowly start to pull my hand from his so he doesn't  have to hold my hand. His hand is so nice though it is nice; and cold which is good for this weather.

Gray looks over at me as I keep pulling my hand away. He suddenly stops us and says "Juvia what's wrong! "Why do you keep pulling your hand away." He looks completely normal he has his masks up. I can tell he is angry thought. His teeth are clenched.

"Gray you just looked like you were uncomfortable so Juvia was trying to help. Juvia knows how you hate public affection."

Grays POV

After Juvia said that i realized that she really does know me. Even when I hide she knows. How could I have been so blind not to notice her.

Her ability to make me smile without fail. She has always been there; but if I screw up she may not. I say "Juvia I wasn't worried about the people; and besides were holding hands it's not like your grabbing onto me like you used to. Besides the reason I was worried is because I realized how important you are to me; and I don't want to lose you again."

Tears were in her eyes after I said that. I say "Hey what's wrong? Why are you crying!! Darn it I'm not good at this." I freak out when I see her crying.

She smiles as she says "Don't worry Gray they are happy tears. Juvia is happy." I calm down after she said that. After that we resume our walk. Juvia looks so cute when she is happy. Her whole being is shining out. Great she looks even more beautiful; and I see other guys looking at her. I grab her hand; and we keep walking. The guys look away after that. Which causes me to smile. You better leave my girl alone. My Girl. Juvia is my girl. Soon enough I'm smiling a lot. I don't think anyone's been able to make me this happy.

Juvia makes me happy. I will make sure that I never leave her. As I say that in my head I squeeze her hand. She smiles at me and squeezes back. I don't think my smile will ever leave with Juvia around.

Authors Note!!

The feels!! Okay I am debating about ending it here. I mean it's perfect. I will have an epilogue. Tell me what you think. End it or keep going. Thanks again for reading my story.

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