Grays Question

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Juvias P.O.V

After everything that happened things so far have been okay. My injury is healing okay which is great news.

I grab my swim suit, its the same one that I wore at the games. Then I also grab a towel.

Obviously I am a water mage; and I love the water. Its where I go when I just need some time.

Gray has been coddling me. Don't get me wrong I love his attention its just that I need some air.

This must be what he felt when I was the one constantly doing it to him. So I left him a note and I am going to the beach.

Once I have everything I need in my light blue beach bag I leave. Over top of my bathing suit is a light blue colored dress.

I gently apply some sun screen to my pale skin. If I don't then by the end of the day I will burned to a crisp.

I breathe in the salty sea air. The water has always been a part of me ever since I could remember.

Light blue water splashes onto the seashore. Children with there families are all having a fun time.

I find a good spot to put all of my things. Then once that is done I quickly dive into the water.

The cold water completely envelops me, welcomes me into its embrace. It gently carries me as I do a few laps.

The butterfly stroke is my favorite. I love the feeling you get when you push to your limits. Your heart pumping at full speed as you swim faster and faster.

I love this feeling its amazing. Makes you feel completely at home. I swim until my arms hurt so much; and I can't move anymore.

I come out of the water completely tired. Once I make it to my towel I sit there and relax for a while.

The sun is beginning to set. The sky alights with wonderful colors. Pinks, purples, red, and orange.

The water reflects it in an amazing way. I could never look at the sky before. It was always raining so any chance I get I look at they sky.

The stars are all really beautiful tonight. Well they are beautiful every night. Just laying on my towel and relaxing is amazing.

After a while I decide to head back to the dorm. I grab my bag; and go to the train station.

It will be a thirty minute trip to Magnolia from here. I sit down in a seat; and watch the town pass by.

Finally I make it back to my dorm. When I open my door I am surprised about what i see.

Gray is sitting hunched over on the coach. Quietly I go up to him. He has his head leaning against a couch cushion; and he is sleeping.

I smile as I lay him down properly. Then I grab a blanket for him which I know he is going to just kick it off.

After draping it over him he simply pushes it off of him. I giggle at that.

I walk to my bedroom then I take a shower; and get changed into pajamas. They are a t shirt with sweatpants.

Then I quickly fall into a deep sleep. My muscles are going to hurt in the morning.

A few days later.......

Okay so Gray seems to constantly be avoiding me. If I walk into a room he walks out; and I asked him on a date; but he didn't want to.

I am so worried about everything it is ridiculous. What if he doesn't want to be with me anymore? I would be broken hearted to the extreme.

Okay Juvia you cant think like that. It is not allowed. Gray might have some other logical explanation... I hope.

All the sudden I get a text message from Gray.

Gray: Hey Juvia get ready I am coming to pick you up. Wear casual clothes.

Okay so I get dressed in some jeans along with a blue tank top with a black cardigan with black flats. My hair is in a high pony tail.

After that Gray comes right on time just like usual. He smiles as he says "Lets get going." We walk all over Magnolia. At first I think were just walking around; but i can feel his hand shaking like crazy. He seems fine; but his hand proves that wrong.

Should i say something to him? That might make it worse so i just squeeze his hand to let him know that i am here. He smiles a little; but his hand shakes a little less.

Finally we stop at a house that looks really nice. It is a small two bedroom house. It has a bathroom, a kitchen, living room, and a dining room.

It is a really nice house to be honest. The color scheme is very homey like. The master bedroom is very nice as well. Why are we looking at a house? I stop Gray and say "Why are we here exactly?"

He smiles then says "Juvia i love you a lot; and everyday my love for you grows. When ever you come over to my house; and sleep over. I would wake up to you sleeping right next to me; and honestly Juvia i love that; but i want to do it more. For example everyday would be perfect. Juvia will you move in with me?"

Oh my gosh he wants me to move in with him? "Well this house is really nice; but it would need some adjusting." Grays grin grows huge as he grabs me; and kisses me till were out of breath. "Good thing you said yes because its ours"

I smile as i say "Our house Gray." Emphasizing the our part.

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