Right then, I saw Devon appear at the doorstep wearing a tuxedo suit, a poker-face with a clenched jaw. Was I reading the signs of his glorified nervousness right? I looked down at his shoes to find the laces in a nasty mess.


I just couldn't get him to meet my father like that. So I walked over to him and pulled him to a side where there was privacy.

"Devon, when will you learn to do your laces? I must have taught you a couple of billion times already!" I scolded him as I bend down to tie his laces.

"Not my fault. It's so damn confusing!" he said in frustration as I got to my feet again. "It's more like making two laces twist, turn and loop to provoke them to have sex in my shoes."

My jaw dropped in shock hearing that. What the actual fuck?!

"You just did not say that about shoe laces, Devon," I gave him a reprimanding look. He seriously needs to learn how to talk.

Devon rolled his eyes. "Can we fucking stop discussing shoe laces and instead talk about how to get your dad to approve of me without my having to pretend to be a nice sweet boy?"

"Someone is nervous around here. Oh, oh, and the name starts with 'D'," I remarked snidely.

"Get yourself glasses, grandmother," he drawled.

I rolled my eyes.

"Where's your father by the way?" he asked glancing around.

"Over there, in that grey suit," I looked sideways at the back profile of my father.

"And who is that woman holding hands with him?" asked Devon, referring to the back profile of Katherine.

"His girlfriend, Katherine, I knew nothing about until he brought her along yesterday," I said quietly.

Devon was startled. "That's a shocker for sure. You don't hear wedding bells, do you?"

"Well.." I trailed off gravely as my shoulders sagged," This is the first time Papa has been with any other woman till date after Ma's death. Of what I have seen, he seems pretty much serious about Katherine. So yeah, chances are high he might marry her. So woosh woosh Stepmom Alert!"

I laughed dryly.

"All the best," snorted Devon," Hopefully yours will be better than mine. It wouldn't affect you much though 'cause you're an adult now."

"But I care about Papa," I pointed out.

"Speaking of him, I'm no more tensed about having to meet him," Devon smirked, holding a side of my face with one hand and sensually tracing my lips with his thumb which got every inch of my skin craving for his sinful touches....

My breaths hitched when he suddenly seized my mouth for a brief erotic kiss.

When we pulled apart, he spoke in a voice deep and hoarse, "I don't have to be in my best behavior in front of your father. Since you didn't interfere in his life choices, he won't interfere in yours."

That jerked my out of my carnal fantasies. "That sounds horrible," I said in dismay, giving him a reprimanding look. "Monitor every word that you say to my father, Devon. Don't you dare get cheeky and blunt with him," I said sharply.

"Alright," he said carelessly, raising his hands in surrender.

Devon smiled impishly when I narrowed my eyes into slits at him. This boy is not to be trusted when it comes to speaking to people.

Right then, I saw Devon's rougish smile instantly vanish and his expressions turning stone cold in a jiffy. He had seen something from over my shoulder.

"What the bloody fuck," he spat as I turned around to see Mr. Parker and Cheryl enter the house along with Jackson.

"What are they doing here?" asked Devon coldly.

"I didn't invite them. Guess Papa did," I mumbled. "My father has an unpleasant habit of being friendly with next door neighbors...."

Devon's grew all the more stiff and hostile. I didn't know what to say.

"Without any further delay, let's introduce me to your father," he said, his jaws clenched tight.

My eyes grew wide hearing that. Okay, taking Devon to meet Papa at this moment didn't look advisable to me considering how put off the former was upon seeing his parents.

"No...just relax for now..." I muttered. "You can meet him later..."

"What's wrong with now?" Devon countered. "I'm exactly great right now."

I nodded slowly. As we got walking over to my dad, I felt so shitty nervous 'cause I was hopelessly clueless about what was to happen next.

So much for introducing a boyfriend like Devon to your parent.

"Papa," I called out hesitantly, turning his and Katherine's attention to me.

"Devon's here," Ismiled nervously and didn't know what lay on the other side of the tensedsilence that followed.


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