Chapter 13

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Here's chapter 13, hope you like it.

Picture above is how I imagine the cabin looks like
Also I recommend Listening to the song above it makes it seem more epic.

Jason's POV

"Let me go you stupid dim witted asshole" I growl at the young buff man dragging me around like a rag doll. All he does is give me a small yet irritated scowl before continuing to drag me towards the huge cabin hidden among the large trees around us.

I try to loosen the rope around my wrists to no avail, Dread spread through my body as the truth sunk in...... I can't escape......not now at least.

He dragged me up the steps before taking out a set of keys from his front pocket, using his right hand to unlock the door while using his left hand to keep me beside him.

He looks around cautiously, most likely making sure we weren't being followed before opening the door. He pick me up effortlessly, showing just how strong he really is as he walks in. I look around, slightly amazed at how beautifully decorated the cabin is.

He sets me back down, leading me to a near by cherry colored door. He holds me from the back of my shirt to make sure I don't run away while he opens the door.

I look around for anything I can use as a weapon or at least a distraction, but i find none so I choose a different strategy, it may not be the smartest but it's the only thing I can think of at the moment.

I start to struggle for what seems like the hundredth time now. He turns around, most likely planning on dragging me into the room and happily inform Logan of my capture, I'm sure he'd get a a high reward for it.

I stomp on his right foot hard, succeedingly catching him off guard. I use this to my advantage and knee him on his manhood, forcing him to fall on his knees and cup himself, face scrunched up in pain and anger. I know that kneeing guys down there is mostly a girl thing but whatever works right?

I quickly take off, running up a set of stairs near by. I manage to get to the top of the stairs without tripping. I look around, counting four different doors total on this floor. I quickly run to the one that just so happened to be opened slightly. I close the door quietly behind me once I realize that Its the bathroom.

I crouch down in front of the door knob, using my teeth to lock the door. I get up and look around for something sharp to cut the ropes off of my wrists, I search through the bathroom, finding a shaving knife in the
mirror cabinet.

I pick it up with my teeth, using the cabinet door to pull the knife out. I leaned down and place it on the sink before turning around and picking it up with my left hand.

I quickly get to work, sighing in relief when the ropes fall in a heap on the floor at my feet, leaving me free once again but my relief doesn't last long. The door is knocked off it's hinds, almost hitting me by an inch or two.

I glare at the man in front of me with a gun pointing at my right thigh, ready to fire if necessary. He glares at me in anger, motioning for me to get out with the gun. I sigh before doing as told. He presses the gun to my back as I pass him, forcing me to pick up my speed.

We arrive in front of the cherry colored door once again, me being shoved inside with more force than necessary. I turn to glare at him as he walks in, closing the door behind him. He grabs me by my arm roughly, dragging me across the room to a chair in front of a huge table, big enough to fit at least 12 people.

He shoves me down on one of the chairs than walks around the table to sit across from me. I look around, realizing this room looked more like a conference room than anything else.

I'm sure your wondering why I'm here in the first place or how I got 'caught'. I'm going to keep it short, I snuck into one of the buildings bought for 10-30 members to live in a few hours ago, the rooms are more like small apartments.

I remember a man around his fifties called Lucas talking to another man about rebelling against Logan a few months back, so I looked up his name in one of the gangs computers and managed to find out which apartment he lived in. I told him that I was rebelling and had a few plans in mind.

The bastard knocked me out with a hard punch to the temple and i woke up sometime later in the back of a car with my hands tied behind my back. You know what happened from there.

I groan as I look over at the clock hanging on the wall, not believing it was already 6:00 in the afternoon, last time I had checked it was eleven thirty in the morning, Lucas must have punched me with a little bit more force than neccessary, it makes sense though since we're basicly in a cabin in the middle of nowhere.

I must have zoned out because the door opens and in walks in six different men. I'm waiting for Logan to walk in but he never does. I study each man carefully, realizing that Lucas and the man he was talking to a few months back were both here.

They all take a seat in the open chairs around the table. Its silent, the only thing that could be heard was the sound of breathing from each person in the room.

I put on an emotionless mask, leaning forward and crossing my arms on the table and tucking my head in between them, succeedingly hiding my face from everyone around me.

I can hear them whispering to each other around me, thinking that I couldn't hear their conversation. "Are you sure about this Lukas?"

"He can help us I just know it, we just need to get him to trust us, let him know we aren't the bad guys."

"As if that'll work but I guess we can give it a try"

They stop talking after that, leaving the room in complete silence once again, that is until I couldn't take it anymore and abruptly got up, startling everyone else in the room. I've already guessed that these are the main leaders of the rebelling group forming against Logans gang and so far they aren't making such a good impression.

The buff guy from earlier gets up as well, placing a hand over his gun just in case I try anything. I give him a roll of my eyes, causing him to narrow his eyes in suspicion.

I turn around and walked towards the white board and marker a few feet away from me. I picked up the marker and take off the cap. I turn back to look at them to see them all already looking at me intently.

"I really want to go home soon so let's get started shall we?"

"Also next time, try asking instead of knocking me out and treating me like some king of prisoner, It will do you all a lot of good" I tell them irritatedly.

I really hope I don't regret this.



Chapter 13 finished.
hope you liked it.

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