"Yeah well, it didn't," I say in a monotone as I wipe down the table from the other side of the counter. "So, how are things going between you and Liam?"

"They're going great! It's almost our one month anniversary! He said he's gonna take me somewhere reeeeaally special!" she squeaks in glee. Well, at least someone is having success in the relationship department.

"Speaking of Liam, he told me about a late kind of Halloween party happening at one of the Frat houses tomorrow," she adds. I don't like where this is going.

"Oh yeah, Louis was telling me about it as well. We are definitely going!" El exclaims.

"You can count me out." For once, I'm actually so happy I have work tomorrow.

"What?! Why?" they both asks in sync. They really are turning into twins.

"I have to work, sorry." I'm really not sorry, but my saying it will probably make them feel better.

"Do you need to be somewhere tomorrow? I can take your shift if you want. I was gonna ask Steve for one tomorrow anyways." Zayn volunteers as he walks in holding a stack of boxes.

"Uh, that's really n-"

"That would be great! Thanks, Zayn!" Allie chimes as she cuts off my attempted refusal.

"No problem, have fun!" he says earnestly as he goes back to attending to the boxes. Why does he have to be such a good and helpful guy all the time?

I let out a grumble before Allie and El spend the rest of their 'visit Bree at work time' talking about the frat party.

Tomorrow's gonna be a long day.


"Why do we have to wear costumes? Halloween was two days ago!" I protest as the two get their outfits ready for the Halloween party that is not supposed to start for another two hours.

"Because it's a costume party and you'll look stupid if you're not wearing one. Plus, no one has Halloween parties on a weekday," Allie counters as she adjusts the cape on her Super Girl costume. Similarly, El is putting on her red boots for her Wonder Woman costume. Once again, the two look identical. I honestly can't tell the difference between the two's costumes.

"I'd look even more stupid wearing this." I hold up the black leather-like material in my hand. I can't wear this!

"Oh come on Bree! That's the least showy superhero costume we could find," El pleads. That's true. At least it's not a dress only going up to my thighs like theirs, but still. I'm gonna look ridiculous!

"Why do we have to dress up as girl superheroes? You didn't say it was a specific costume party." Why do they always insist on doing everything together and everything similarly?

"Because we already decided and bought the costumes. Now put your costume on already, so we can do your makeup! I don't know why you're complaining about it anyways, Cat Woman is a killer costume!" Allie says. I let out another long throaty groan before sulking behind the door of my closet and changing into the fitted leggings, tight zip-up top, rubber eye mask and odd-looking cat ears.

After two very long hours, we are all finally finished getting ready. The twins crowd around me in front of the mirror and gush about how great we look.

"Oh my gosh Bree! You look just like Anne Hathaway in The Dark Knight!" Allie exclaims.

"You mean, The Dark Knight Rises. She was in the second one, not the first." I correct her. However, she's not wrong. I do hold a sharp resemblance to her character in the movie. The straightened chestnut brown hair, the fair pale skin and the blood red lips are almost identical.

Memory (Harry Styles)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن