"Nah, my classes start at noon on Mondays so I thought I would pick up an extra shift before then."

"Oh, that's good." At least some people can find a decent job. I take another swig of caffeine and sigh.

"So what you doing?" he questions, looking at my closed MacBook.

"Well, I was looking through job ads."

"Any luck?"

"Nope. All the decent jobs seemed to have disappeared."

"Why don't you work here?" he suggests. I sit up in my seat.

"Seriously? A-Are you hiring?"

"Now we are. Come on." He pulls me up from the couch and leads me to the counter where he introduces me to an older grey-haired man.

"Hey Steve, can my friend Bree work here? She's looking for a job." He states simply.

"Yeah sure! You start today at four, little miss! Zayn will train you when you come in later on." The man named Steve, who appears to be the one in charge, says. What?! Who knew getting a job would be this easy?

"U-Uh thanks." I gape. "Is that it?" I ask Zayn and he shrugs.

"Oh right, have you ever had a criminal record?" Steve asks. I shake my head and he nods.

"Great! You got the job. Welcome to the team!" he shakes my hand firmly before disappearing into the back. I stand there quite shocked.

"Well, there you go, you got yourself a new job. See you later co-worker!" he winks before stepping behind the counter.

"Y-Yeah see you." I say before heading out of my new workplace and making my way back to campus for class.

Classes go by pretty fast and I make sure to finish all the schoolwork in class so that I don't have to worry about them after work. Before I know it, it is already fourth period and I am seated at my usual seat in the psychology classroom. I can feel my palms start to clam up in anticipation for a certain student's arrival.

What's gonna happen? I haven't talked to him since that night in the laundry room and I don't really know what state of mind he's gonna be in today. Will he ignore me? Will he act like nothing happened? Will things go back to the way they were? I have no idea, but I hope it's the last option. I really would like it if things went back to the way they were. Though I don't think I'm really ready to be in a relationship, I guess I should at least give it a try, like everyone is telling me to do. My thoughts freeze when he walks into the room.

He looks even more beautiful than usual. He's wearing a denim-like button-up shirt on top of black skinny pants with grey converse, and his unruly brown curls are up in a sort of wave above his forehead. Not quite like the quiffs that seem to be a trend among other Californian boys, but in a messy pile on top of his head; like he had just taken a shower and pushed it up with his fingers. It looks good on him. His eyes turn in my direction and I avert my graze to my notebook.

Out if the corner of my eye, I can see that instead of walking over to his seat across the room, he is headed over here! My heart beat quickens as I realize that he's coming over here to talk to me. Well, I guess this it. This time is as good as any to tell him. To tell him I'm sorry for what I said and how I truly feel about him. Hopefully his response is a positive one. I get up out of my seat to stand as he nears closer to my desk.

"Hey Har-" I start before I notice his attention turn to the skank next to me.


"Valerie," she finishes for him, a wide smile spread on her make-up caked face. He leans in closer to her as he rests his palms on her desk as she sits there batting her fake eyelashes.

Memory (Harry Styles)Where stories live. Discover now