
The quiet between them persisted for an intolerably long period, both wrapped up in their own misery. Rachel had tried many times to apologize properly for her impetuosity, but each time she would lose courage at the sight of the unyielding profile of the man beside her, and shut her mouth again. Finally it was Andrew who ended the unbearable silence. He had sneaked a glance at Rachel when she was peering out at the nightscape, and her forlorn face broke through his barriers.

“I am sorry for my anger at you back there, Miss Warren,” he said gently. Her head whipped around and the mixed look of penitence and joy reflected in her expressive eyes smote him for his hard-heartedness. It also reminded him of the ungentlemanly way he had behaved in her room, and covered him with shame. Devil take it, this was a delicately nurtured young lady unrelated to him, and he had behaved thus…it was disgraceful. Taking her hand gingerly in his and stroking her fingers in a soothing motion, he continued to speak his mind.

“I have no excuse for my unpardonable actions and words. Though you did commit a mistake that could easily have been fatal, the disaster was averted; and that is what ultimately matters. I can simply plead as an excuse the severe suspense I had been under, and my own feelings of inadequacy as I saw him aiming at you, to ask for your forgiveness…”

“You show more generosity than I deserve, sir,” Rachel interposed. “Both of us know that the mistake was mine; I had ample knowledge about the real threat to my life, and chose to over-rule security out of mere peevishness and boredom. It was my great good luck that I changed my mind in time, but I can’t let you blame yourself for your anger towards me. What did you do or say that I did not earn with my foolhardiness?”

Andrew was staring at her by now, his features a swirl of emotions she did not feel capable of deciphering. Rachel almost faltered in her speech, but continued with it nevertheless. “I believe I must th…thank you Sir, for taking such good care of me,” she smiled apologetically. “Once again, you have rescued me from certain death. I wonder how I would have fared without your presence.”

Andrew’s mouth twisted into a bitter smile and his next words showed his self-disgust. “Without me and mine, madam, you would not have been involved in any kind of unpleasantness at all.”

“Yes indeed,” Rachel threw back spiritedly, though with a blush mantling her cheeks, “none except for the trifling case of Lord Edgerton and the possibility of a jobless future. My stars do not seem to be particularly good right now in any case.”

Sudden warmth coursed in her veins as she realized that her hand was still captive between his long fingers. Before she could lose her courage, she blurted out, “I can just thank God for a companion like you at this phase of my life. I don’t think I could have survived long on my own.”

Andrew’s jaw clenched at the mention of Lord Edgerton. He had almost forgotten the mental turmoil which she had been going through at the time of her capture. That sorry excuse for a man! How could he impose on someone like her? He is lucky that I am not around him right now. If I ever got my hands around his throat …

But of course, he did not mention any of this to her. He only released her hand and replied stiffly to her last sentence, “I believe that you would have managed perfectly under any circumstance, Miss Warren. You are one of the natural survivors in our world. If nothing else, then your goodness must shield you from dire situations.”

By now the ice between them was broken effectively. Each forgave the other unreservedly, and even themselves to some extent. The talk eased up and went on to planning the next leg of their journey. And the coach clattered on into the dark unknown.

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