Chapter Two (Needs Editing)

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It's already Monday. 3am to be exact. I've been contemplating the past events over the weekend, trying to find an excuse or a way out but of course that wasn't possible. Given the chance, I hadn't accepted this request, what would I really do? Stay home and watch more films? Waiting for my next assignment?

My bag was already packed and by the door. Sunday morning, I had hired a cat sitter to watch over Mr. Butters while I had to go away. I didn't know exactly how long I'd be away so I just paid her for the entire week.

Around 6 am, as directed, Mr. Hamilton's driver arrived. The man stood by a 2024 BMW i7 Sedan. His frame had been just as tall as I remembered Mr. Hamilton being but just a tad shorter. Maybe 6'1 or 6'0. He wore black slacks, a black leather jacket that seemed to be brand new with a matching pair of black leather gloves. It was cold once more due to the seasons changing. The rain season seemed to settle down but that only picked up the winds.

In Samuel's hand, he held an Ipad 2022 mini series, with an Apple Pencil. As I approached him, he hurriedly opened the door with his left hand, while handing me the iPad with his other. "An assignment was logged in by Mr. Hamilton. He suggested that you go through the ten profiles you've come up with during the last project, and select six. He also asked that you write a summary as to why you chose those six profiles as well." Once Samuel handed me the iPad, he took my bag. I climbed into the seat and immediately became thrilled and honored.

I was in the newest addition of the BMW Sedan series. Leather seats smelled of rich car cologne, the interior had lights along the ends and rims of the insides. The space between the drivers front and the back seats gave enough room to recline and relax. It had been something straight out of the magazine.

I'm a nerd for cars and fashion. I pair my Rick Owen's with everything. Today I had on grey cargo pants and an oversized tee with SZA on the front. Of course I had backup in my black duffle travel bag from coach. My change of clothes will have to switched once I reach the office building. I adjusted my black glasses and locked the iPad. Looking through the profiles I saw that each candidate that Mr. Hamilton had chose stood out significantly. Each participant held high skills in writing literature and novels. Three held skills in poetry/literature while the other three specialized in editing novels/magazines, all the were in the best interests of the company.

1. Victoria Jones (21) - interests involve fictional stories and editing skills.


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2. Byeon Woo-Seok (23) - Editing skills, software engineering skills, background in fictional stories, and has a developing interest in photography.

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