Let Us Kick Some Death God Butt

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Chapter 11


We had been in the Underworld for 5 days, Chiron had told us we need to find Aphrodite in 7. We were running out of time.

The five of us (Mobius included) were walking, we'd been walking for hours, days, what felt like weeks. I had nothing much to do but think and the only things I had to think about were bad; really, really, bad. Number one horrible thought going through my head: Harper. She was all I could think about, I felt this weird tingly feeling when I was around her. But I'm not like other guys, I don't know how to act around girls. I mean, even Leo sort of knows what he's doing! LEO, FOR THE GODS' SAKE! I kept trying to not like her but it was difficult. You don't like her. You don't like her. You don't like her!

"Hey Nico? You think we should check in here?" Harper asked me. I looked up and saw a dark tunnel, "Oh, yeah we should." I half mumbled as I walked in first down the tunnel. I noticed Korra rolling her eyes, what was her problem? Oh, no. Does she know that I like Harper? Did I start like, talk in my sleep or something? Damnit. 

I looked over and saw Leo walking next to me on my left, Korra and Haper were walking behind us and Mobius was rounding up the back. The girls were far enough back that I couldn't hear what they were saying. 

"So Nico, I'm thinking that when, if, we get back I'm gonna ask Korra out. Ya think she'd say yes?" Leo asked throwing his arm around my thin shoulders. 

I shrugged his arm off, "No, she wouldn't say yes." 

He looked down at the floor, "I'm being serious you know. I really do like her, she's waaaaaay out of my league, but I like her."

"Every girl you like is out of your league." I muttered.

"Aw, shut up Nic." He tried to laugh it off but he did a bad job of covering up his disapointment. 

I pulled my sword out in one quick movement and shoved the hilt of it into his stomach. He groaned and sunk to his knees. The girls came running up to him,

"What was that for?" Harper glared at me. I'm pretty sure this is the number one way to make a girl not like you.

Call me Nic one more time and I'll stab my sword through your chest.

"I was living up to a promise." I said over my shoulder as I continued on down the tunnel. Korra and Harper helped get Leo to his feet, I knew he would be okay because I hadn't hit him all that hard. Once Harper had made sure that Leo was up and walking again she jogged up to me. Oh no. But, as she neared me she didn't say anything just walked beside me. Thankfully she didn't seem angry, but her presence made me nervous.

"What happened?" Harper asked quietly in a delicate voice that was so soft it surprised me. 

"Oh, it was nothing Leo just-" 

"Not that," She cut me off, "I can see it in your eyes, you weren't always like this. Something happened that made you change."

I didn't- couldn't - reply. And even if I did what would I say? Would I tell her about Bianca? Would I tell her that I was full of anger because I liked her and knew there was nothing I could do about it?

"I'm sorry" Harper's voice trickled into my ears, "It's probably a rough subject for you. I'm sorry, I wasn't thinking." Her apology sounded so sincere...

"It's okay." Was all I could manage. Jeez, liking someone is hard work. It practically makes you mute!



Gods, Nico gets on my nerves. First he's all over Harper (yeah he was sleeping but whatever) and then he has the audacity to hit Leo! Boy, he doesn't know what's coming for him, the little bastard. Leo was walking okay now but I still helped him a bit along the way. You know, the way people talked about him back at camp-whatever-you-call-it you would've thought Leo was really annoying, but in actuality he's really funny and can be pretty sweet sometimes. 

Maybe when we get back to the camp....Ugh, who am I kidding? No one would ever-

"Hey, Korra?" Leo interrupted my thought, "I-"

"Oi! You two lovebirds ready to save the world?" Harper called back to Leo and I.

"I was born ready!" Leo's signature crooked grin speard across he's face.

I laughed and nodded at Harper. Behind her and Nico was the end of the tunnel and there was a lady - a gorgeous lady - in chains on her knees. 

It was time to kick some death god butt and save a bit of love goddess too. 


Hey demis!!!!!!!

What's up? I hope you guys like this chapter!!!

Also, from now on the chapters will be uploaded more slowly; sorry!

Comment and vote my chicken mcnuglets!!!

Love always,


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