Mobius, The Underworld, And Leo Valdez

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Chapter 7


Harper climbed on Mobius, then Korra, then Nico.

Wait, wait, waaaaait. I am not going to sit behind Nico! If I sit behind Nico I have to hold on to his waist so that I don't fall off! Ew, the dude radiates death. And it would be super-duper awkward! But holding on to one of the girls would be awkward too......

"Earth to Leo!"Harper laughed.

"I'm on earth you idiot." I grinned, this is the exact conversation we had yesterday when we were sitting on the hill back at camp. 

"Whatever you say all mighty son of Hephaestus!" She rolled her eyes, it was then that I relized how good of a friend Harper was.

"Now climb on! We gotta get a gettin'!" Harper called.

"Uh, I don't want to sit next to Nico."

"I would perfer not to sit with Leo." Nico said.


"Oh for the love of puppies! Nico you sit behind Harper, I'll sit behind you, and Leo will sit behind me. Now come on! Let's get going!" Korra ordered.

"Did you just say 'for the love of puppies'? " I asked.

She glared at me.

I moved to sit behind her, as soon as I did Mobius flew into the air. My arms wrapped around Korra's so I wouldn't fall.

"Woah! Harper control your pegasus!!!" I shouted over the wind.

"I am!" Her head turned to face me, a crazy smile covered her face. "This is how we always fly!" Her laugh was choppy and wicked due to the wind. Gods, she really is crazy!

We where flying almost straight up! Gah, I was starting to feel sick. Nico, on the other hand, looked like he was having the time of his life (for a Hades kid, that is). A small smile was pulling at the corners of his lips. He had one arm holding onto Harper; his right hand was out to the side, crisp air curling up his arm and wipping his hair around his face.

"Never knew you liked flying, Nic!" I called out to him.

"Call me Nic one more time and I'll stab my sword through your chest."

I just laughed, pretending not to care. But really getting threatened by the son of Hades was scary! I mean, you can't blame me can you? 

About 20 or so minutes later Nico tapped Harper on the shoulder and said something to her. Next thing I new we had landed next to a pile of boulders deep inside the forest. We were in Hades world  now.

And there was no turning back.


Hey everybody! I hope you all like this chapter! 

And I can't believe some of the things you guys said about the last chapter. You were being horrible people and bullies. 

Also shout out to clarebear333 and DrOppenhighmer!!!! You guys are great (and pasta awesome)!

One last thing! Are you  Keo (Korra and Leo) or Larper (Harper and Leo) shippers? Tell us in the comments below!

Please comment and vote, my loves! ;)

Love always,


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