The Prophecy, And The Crazy Quest It Comes With

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Chapter Four


 Got to the top of the stairs and into the living room of the Big House. Chiron was waiting for us, he was sitting in a wheel chair (which I assumed was magic because no centaur would be able to fit in that thing). He gestured for us to sit down and so we did, although it took everything in my power not to fiddle with everything. As we sat down my whole body seemed to relax, this couch is so comfortable!  My eyes met Chiron's I sat up straight, just his body language told me that he was about to tell us something important.

"This morning before Harper woke Rachel gave a new prophecy." Chiron said, worry etched in his features.

"What is it?" Percy sat bolt up right.

"An even number greater then three

Will be sent to set the love goddess free

Darkness, flame, war and water

Only siblings of a greater power can prevent this slaughter

Horrible things will be relived

Painfull secrets that will never mend

Together: they will fight to the end"

 We sat there speachless. Horrible things will be relived? I'm pretty sure I don't want to relive the horrible things that have happend to me. I looked over to Percy, he seemed to be trying to hide something. Though I couldn't tell what. 

"So does this mean you are sending 4 demigods on a- what do you people call it? A quest?" Harper's voice broke the prolonged silence.

"Yes" Chiron said. "I wish I didn't have to though. Sending more then three half-bloods on one quest is very dangerous." 

Harper winced slighhtly at the mention of 'Half-Bloods'. You see people in our old school (before we ran away) would taunt her with names like 'Half-Blood' and 'Half-Breed' because her mom is from India and her dad- well, wasn't. They were complete idiots for calling her stupid things like that but it's hard to not let it get to you.

"Do we need to call a meeting?" Percy asked. Wait, what meeting? Does this meeting involve Harper and I? 'Cause she is way too injured to go to a stupid meeting!

"No, I already know who I want on this quest." Was Chiron's reply.

"Darkness....that most likely stands for Hades." Harper mused, I guess she hadn't been paying attention to what Chiron was saying.

"You talking about the prophecy?" Percy asked. Well, duh! What else would she be talking about? Idiot...

"Yeah." She was kinda off in her own world. 

"Flame is Hephaestus." I added

"Water...." Percy's voice trailed off. "Am I going?" 

"No Percy, I would like Harper to go. That is, if she will except.." Chiron glanced over at Harper.

Before she could say anything I started talking. " She's wounded!!! She can't go on some crazy quest for you!!! We've only known you for like 20 minutes!! And we don't even know where we're supposed to go!! I mean, where is this quest going to lead us?" 

Harper was about to interfere, but Chiron took over. "She is wounded, true. But by tomorrow, with some necter and ambrosia she should be fine. And for your information the quest will lead you to the Underworld. Lady Aphrodite was taken this morning by Hades because she had attempted to make Persephone fall in love with someone else. Why, I do not know."

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