You can blame me for what I've done. You can't blame me for what you made me

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FINALE: Part 2- You can blame me for what I've done. You can't blame me for what you made me.
! WARNING: In this chapter since it is the final battle there will be violence described !                          

                      "Signal go !" Says a women to her head piece back in the operation headquarters.
                           Markowitz yells, "No!"
                          Jared speaks to his head peace, "I need all agency forces and detectives to head over."
                           A woman at one of the desk listens in to her head piece, "Yes sir," she looks up, "No holding back now."
                            "They can't kill her," Markowitz mutters knowing what would happen to Wilson.
                            "All agency forces be alert and make sure no UN men shoot!" Jared yells in his head piece.
                           Markowitz walks out of the base with Jared following and other detectives who stood by. "I  need everyone of our men over now."
                           "Detective, I just got a report back from the agency and they are going through with a kill," states a detective from the other trailers.
                            " We just heard. Everyone head over right now. Jared you stay here and keep an eye on those workers. She does not get shot down." Markowitz says getting in his car.
                             "But sir wasn't this the plan originally? Wilson just bait?"
                             "She dies in front of him and we may have another case" they all look to Markowitz with confusion, "Every one of my men come with me."

                              A quite death stands calm as Wilson stands more relaxed. His entire presence has changed. No more of a sad gloom that has gone by but someone who is fully collected. Smoke fogs slowly grows inside the building. "Their coming." Death looks around the building with just her eyes.
                            Wilson puts up his hand, "No!  They shouldn't be. Wait death-"Rebecca's a pretty name." Death says and walks back into the darkness.
                             Swarms of men break into the building centering around Wilson. "Stop!" Wilson screams. All the soldiers are in full army gear and approach inside wearing masks to block out the fumes of the gas. Wilson starts coughing, "Death!" He barely speaks. He gets shoved by the crowd of gear and runs out quickly of the building where he finds a helicopter and large vehicles of more soldiers. Wilson waves his arms, "Stop !"
                               Death escaped through a back window and jumps down onto the first floor. She runs all the way through the tall brown patchy grass of the vacant old town. Death sprints to a nearby black car surrounded by soldiers coming her way. As they shoot forwards her death turned her shoulders to avoid each bullet and misses everyone. Sprinting at one man she pulls out a small knife and throws it straight to his chest. She grabs the gun he let go of while falling down of the pressure of the throw. She pulls the trigger and shoots to one man where the bullet goes past him and hits all the others behind him. "Two birds with one stone," Death smiles, "This is my day." She hops inside the cars through the window which is rolled down. She presses the fast he of vehicle where a women comes behind and strangled her neck.
                          Death uses her elbow to punch them in the gut causing them to release. She turns around and shoots two soldiers in the heart and continues to drive.
                         All the cars chase after the back car. They all make a sharp turn down a straight street. Two helicopters follow above on the chase. Deaths vehicle makes a sharp turn to side causing the car behind to crash into her car. Creating an explosion of impact. Making deaths cars flip over landing upside down and the second car to to tip over and lay Diagonal on top. All the cars behind stop making everyone jumping out and being ready with their trigger. The helicopters stop in place with snipers ready for any movement. The dry cracked road creates ruble around the two cars from the impact.
                       "All men shoot anything that moves," General says to his ear piece.
                       Struggling to escape from under the car death grips some rocks to pull herself out.
                        "Hold on, this may be a soldier," General smith speaks.l not able to see the full figure.
                         She pulls her body out into the hot sweaty afternoon of the old town. She slowly gets up to find an entire street full of the UN army with every gun pointed to her. Her skull face is full of grease and dirt and her two braided are a mess and almost coming out. A trickle of sweat rolls down her forehead of the hot day in her black clothes. A dark red scar right above her forehead bleed slowly passing the dry blood under her eyes. Her entire face being a mess and her heavy sighs show complete exhaustion. Her black dirty hands full of scars and old blood slowly move up to signal surrender.
                           "General smith this is the agency and she surrenders," Jared speaks to his ear piece back from the base.
                            "We have orders."
                             Death open her mouth slowly as her teeth full of red blood drip slowly. "General smith could you just look at her," Jared says to the screen with everyone watching him.
                              "Is he going to do it?"
                               "He does have orders."
                                "Everyone just shut up. This is a child," says a women in the room.
                               Death stretches out her jaw with her mouth and cracks her neck by moving her head squiggly to the side. He mouth turns into a an angry grin as she says clearly, "I have tried really hard to hold myself together," Her eyes shows pure evil and destruction. Her self was gone and only death was here. She grabs a black box from her pocket with a red button, "I'm sick of trying." She presses the button causing all the soldiers to scream in pure agony. Holding their ear piece in pain. Their ears beginning to bleed as if a banshee has screen their loudest. The helicopters begin to twirl out of control  and land into a building causing massive construction and two huge explosions on both sides of the street. Everyone has drop their gun to try to beat the pressure in their head. Death drops the box and smiles, "New equipment ?"
                       Soon all of the people not able to withstand the pressure scream their heads off and eventually everyone falls to the floor to their death. Leaving a standing death looking her creation. Her smile widens I approval. As she looks around to all of her fallen she turns her head over to the other end of the street that is bare, but finds a gasping Wilson starring in silence. In that moment right when she saw Wilson her smirk slowly turned into a drone of regret. Her eyes showing full emotion of sadness. Her eyebrows down and eyes only looking at Wilson. Wilson looks around in astonishment. His entire body feel regret. Regret for believing there was good in death.
                      Markowitz runs up to the scene to find death and soon his nerves multiply when he find Wilson standing in shock. He stays behind and his face shows all lost and worry as to what Wilson must be feeling.
                      Wilson just walks back slowly and his expression turns from shock to nothing. Only his eyes show disappointment as he slowly turns away from death. 
                      One tear flows down deaths cheek and in the silence she wipes her face. Doing so her skull face smudges. Messing up the design and not looking permanent at all. She looks around and holds her hand to her mouth in horror as to what she has done. And begins to cry. She turns to Wilson and quickly runs after him.
                       "Wilson!" She calls. Her voice worried and concerning. When Wilson turns around death suddenly stops running and stands still. Death looks for something in Wilsons face and stands still for a moment with her mouth barely open. She swallows with her eyes showing complete sympathy and sorrow. She looks to Wilsons eyes to express her sorry and says, "Ana," (Aw•nuh), "My name is Ana."

                        Wilson just looks straight at death. Still expressing disappointment. The. Markowitz grabs deaths hands and put them behind her with no struggle back from her. She just stands in sadness just looking at Wilson with sorry written all over her face. Markowitz put high tech cuffs that shock if too much resistance occurs. Markowitz grabs death and turns her toward the scene as they walk back to the remaining Un force to carry her back. Markowitz lets go of death realizing no resistance. She walks slowly aside of Markowitz towards her sentence and only once looks back to Wilson.

Authors note: Finale! What do you guys think?... My favorite chapter probably. Just one small chapter left and then we are done !Please like, comment, and vote :)

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