Its a surprise

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*Splat* The sound of dripping water echoes around the room as bits of water droplets fall from the pipes. Rotting mold and dirt covers the cement floors of the dark room. Death laying down against the corner of the prison takes loud breathes being dehydrated from lack of water. Her legs spread out with the palms of her hands facing upward on the floor showing exhaustion and defeat. The white tiled walls of the prison are filled with dirty black cement. Foot steps grow as a dark image walks toward her cell walking past all the other prisoners. Cell bars clattered and vulgar comments were shouted towards the person by all the other inmates.

The image kneels down to her face level, "Give it up," a deep stern voice says, "Whoever you are you're not going anywhere. By tomorrow morning the leader will come to personally see your 'departure'."

Licking her dry black lips she mutters something.

"He has chosen lynching," the man says. You can barely see his smirk in the dark, "Any last words?" he teases.

Licking her lips she mutters softly, "School...I sucked in school. I can't think logically I can only think illogically."

"Psycho," he mutters in disgust.

Death laughs. As her laugh grows louder she touches her face. The tips of her fingers pulling down on her skin and under her eyes. Pulling and pulling she falls over and laughs while saying, "Get it out!" but suddenly screaming in terror as those joyful laughs turn to cries of pain.

The man gets up and yells, "Cut it out! Your not death!" He turns around and disappears into the darkness.

While walking away all he can here is, "Get it out!"

Suddenly being silent with a straight face she sits back to the corner of the room. Giving a sigh she says, "Life can be really funny sometimes." She wipes her face.

"What are you here for?" the inmate next to her says.

She looks to the dark and says surprised, "Your talking to me?"

"Yes, what are you in for?"

"Um,..." Death looks up to the ceiling, "I don't remember," she says looking towards the dark shrugging her shoulders.

"It must have been bad."

After trying to find the prisoners face she says, "What are you in for?"

"I killed the president."

Deaths face shows a frown in awkward surprisment. Being shocked and weirded out Death looks to the left of her and awkwardly scoots a little away from the prisoner all though there are cell bars separating them. "Okay..." she whispers while scooting

Death sighs.

"Your calm for just being told your being lynched tomorrow," she hears next to her.

"Oh no, I'm not dying tomorrow."

"I'm confused?"

"If I wanted to have a rope around my neck I wouldn't be here. Also, how can they kill someone who's already dead?"

"How are you going to escape? Could you help me out as well?"

"Uh no, sorry, but you need to stay and pay for what you've done," death says being weirded out for a second time.

"Well how do you plan on escaping?"

"Why would I say? It ruins the surprise."

Not a word was spoken after that. Not questioning it the inmate left Death alone waiting for the surprise. How ever the inmate did have doubts. All though the next morning the cell next to the prisoner was completely empty. The dark image was outraged with anger to have been fooled by such a young girl. The prisoner felt guilty for forgetting to ask the inmate who left what her real name was. Little did he know he would be able to ask her that question sooner or later to fill his curiosity.

The prisoner was the next one to be lynched that morning having to pay the same amount of debt as the disappeared inmate.

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