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One sound. A sound. One yell, can express all the words clogged inside. Can bring air to your chest releasing all that had been giving you tension. One yell. A yell echoing and bouncing off all the walls. Sound escaping from Wilson lips as he cries while being held back on the floor by Markowitz. Markowitz puts his arm around Wilsons shoulder and grabbing his other while he sits behind him holding him back. Having the beginning of his arm I front of Wilsons neck. Holding him back from the urge to lean forward Markowitz repeats,"It's okay."
                   All though you can't hear, only sound being the screeching yell filling tears being fallen. To look closer perhaps it was a Yelp. A yelp for help.
"Wilson!" Markowitz yells. As time passes Wilson calms turning his yells into little sobs.
                 Through muffled cries you can hear Wilson, "What's wrong with me."
                After a sigh in a gloomy whisper, "Nothing. You just haven't been allowed to be sad in a long time. You haven't been human in a long time."
              After calming down, Wilson sits up. Soon slowly standing moving to sit at a chair. Leaning forward. Markowitz now standing walks over to the wall of words. Hands to his head Wilson whispers,"It's like everything is dark. Everything seems hopeless," he looks up, "The world is full of such awful things."
               Markowitz sighs,"Wilson. With what's going on with you, you need to know what your feeling are emotions," he turns around,"Everything may seem terrible in life but you have to look through it all and see all the good. The moments, laughter, sunsets... With out bad there can't be good. There will always be bad. You just have to choose if you want to dwell on it all or actually enjoy all the good and think ,well, if all this bad is in the world, we should try to fix it. Make it good. So the next generation doesn't have to grow up with this bad. But you can't eliminate it. You try the best you can, but there will always be bad. We humans just have to know that life comes with many things. Many awful things, but many great things that are worth staying for to see," he sighs and walks to Wilson, "But, I feel this has a lot more than being sad for the first time. The key is to not let it control you, because there is beauty in this world."
                        Wilson swallows. Pausing before saying, "How did you even know I was here?"
                    Markowitz sighs while saying, "In truth I came here to talk to you about the agency, so I asked some friends of yours and professors to find where you stay on campus and though to check if you where home. Saw the door wasn't locked and I'm now glad I came in when I did."
                   Wilson chuckles with his eyes a little red and watery still. After a while he looks up, "What's wrong at the agency?"
                     "Oh no," Markowitz says quickly, "Regarding your state I'm forgetting my offer to you. Wilson you have to focus on you first-"What's the matter?" He says standing up.
                   "You can't go Wilson, you still have problems to face before looking to solve another one."
                   "What happened?"
                    Looking forward at Wilson, "We had a problem."
                    "Death," the word slipping easily out of Wilsons mouth.
                    "She escaped before the execution," his voice turns in a serious tone, " but I forbid you from coming Wilson. I resign my offer. Having it no longer be on the table."
                    "But it was on the table though, and I accept. I can find her. We can save her."
                    "Did you not just hear me? It's not on the table anymore?"
                     "But it was  initially and I accept it. Not regarding the take back," Wilson says grabbing his jacket.
                     While standing Markowitz says, "When did you become so grey? No more logically black and white minded?"
                    While walking past Markowitz and opening the door on the way out Wilson says, "I'm more in purple now."

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