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Moments. Time. It will all seem dry, like sand paper. Everything paused. Struck with pointless ongoing questions. All around giving a perspective of just collecting dust. Meaning nothing. It's all just there to collect dust. Wilson wonders holding his fork at the dinner table. Fiddling with his fork with his fingers looking intently at his fresh fish mother made. He looks up to see her smile while talking. She's wearing her pearls tonight. Trying to impress the guest as usual. Looking over at father he smiles and laughs joking around with the men. It all seems quiet. All noises are blocked from Wilsons mind. It has been one month since he has left the agency and he tells his parents everything is perfectly fine.
Wilson sits slouched with his pale skin from lack of sun and bags under eyes from rarely any sleep. Time itself comes across as a pointless object collecting dust. Thoughts crawl in. Some of things he's heard. Or of things he's seen.
"Most of the time it's these hippie parents. The ones all about art and love," Wilson hears his father say,"there the ones protesting and holding back the pass. It's just a budget cut. I'm s not like there deleting it for good. They can still practice art in there garage with scrapes of junk and call it something."
"Also the theater of the school is being let go," Mothers friend says.
"No more plays, how sad," mother says.
"One less thing to bother about. I mean the arts aren't that important anyway. There all full of people who think they should change our perfect world. Their the ones who need to change. Train your kids to work, not to dance around and paint. We're will that get them? They'll just end up on the street instead of working like in one of my factories. I do need more workers. Now if it was sports. I would pay all my money to stop them from throwing the football team out right son," Father smiles over at Wilsons brother. "You know what I would do if I was president," Wilsons father puts down his fork and knife," I would just gather up the poor and give
them the small jobs that no one decent would want, there you go. They get some money to live on and we don't have to worry about sending our kids to do it. Have the poor. They ruin everything any way, so do the democrats. Trying to bribe the companies to give them money to do this or that with it. Saying 'Let's make a better place' well no, it's mine so I can do the hell I want with it," he chuckles which sends the entire table with laughter. Everyone except Wilson who looks intently at his plate of untouched food.
"Maybe it does need change," Wilson says ending the joy and sending a complete awkward silence.
Wilsons father looks over and says,"What?"
Looking up in disgust he says,"Maybe it does need change, or since there is so much screwed up in this world why bother. Let's just clean it dry. No point in turning back now? Right dad?"
"Wilsons what's gotten into you? It's like you think you run the family. Son you don't know what it's likes out there. The stuff I have to deal with out there, so please," he grabs his glass of wine,"just eat your food," he sips his wine.
"Perhaps I do 'dad'" Wilson says pisst,"For many years I have sat at this exact seat and would listen to you all blabber about your crappy lives, sorry for having to deal with being loaded with money. Oh how tuff that must be to sleep on silk sheets at night while those 'poor' people you oh so complain about get the dirt. Are you serious? Their poor for Christ sake. Cut it off and also just stop with everything else. Our world is screwed because of rich ignorant people like you all. Stop pretending its perfect, because it isn't. Also it's okay for anyone to love who ever they want. It's okay for things to be different. For people to look different. There are different religions. Not everyone's perfectly white. I'm done living in your guys bubble. The world is out there and is being messed up because people like us are too damn blind by our greed of social media and money to see it," Wilson stands up," And yeah, I wasn't a police detective for robbery and such. I was a detective for the agency that solves the top psycho paths in the world." Wilson left the room with out another word but disappointment on his face. For himself not seeing before how wrong his family was and for how wrong his family acted.
He wasn't sure how he was able to do it. Perhaps from before. When time stood still. Nothing. When he felt nothing. He still feels nothing. No point. To be honest he felt dead inside.

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