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Warm steam escapes rises as Wilsons mother opens the oven revealing a fresh perfectly brown turkey. "It's ready!" She yells with a big bright smile. All the family and friends gather around the polished wooden table with organized plate setting. Glasses shine being made of crystal and napkins soft being made from silk. Wilson sits next to his father and brother. Both of his parents being on the other ends of the table. The maid brings the fresh cut turkey in a perfect scene with steamed apples and potatoes around to bring more juice and flavor. Vegetables freshly made and mashed potatoes smelling delightful surround the turkey. Following other well done pieces.
Once everyone is served the man of the house in pride holds his glass to purpose a toast, "To Wilson, our beloved son, who managed to achieve a job, which will become a career, right at the beginning of college. I am so proud of you son. May your new career and life choice prosper and bring honor to the family name." After raising their glasses all sipped in honor of Wilson.
"Thank you father," Wilson smiles.
"No problem, now let's dig in!" Wilsons father jokes. Everyone chuckles and begins to feast.
One of Wilsons parents friends sitting near his mother being to question. The women, Mr. Smith, suddenly says, "Wilson if you don't mind me asking, what is it you do particularly?"
Before Wilson speaks his father chimes in, " Wilson is a detective for the police. Solving crimes of the forgotten."
"How honorable of you Wilson! Saving people! Your like a police men!" Mrs. Smith smiles.
"We are so proud of Wilson. He has a very difficult job. Solving those crimes to protect us and our children from those awful creatures. Sometimes I get goosebumps, not knowing if he's going to come back. It's frightening."
"Have you ever been held at gunpoint?" Says a perky blond who is the daughter of the Smiths named Ashly and the same age as Wilson.
"No he isn't at the front of the line," Wilsons father interrupts.
"You know Brenda," Mrs Smith says, "Sometimes I get scared when Ashly is on campus. Being the president of her sorority and on honors, may I add, it can be scary seeing that she can be a target."
"I can't imagine!" Mrs. Smith says.
"Wilson what the scariest thing you have ever like seen?" Ashly asks.
"Um well, nothing really so far. I'm behind on the lines. Solving the clues."
"Yeah Wilson has never been athletic smart, but only book smart. He's not like his younger brother who is the captain of the football team," His father adds.
"Wilson it must be scary. The things you encounter," Mrs. Smith says.
"Yeah it can be a bit odd"- "Ugh those criminals!" Mrs. Smith shots, "Robbing banks and stealing expensive things! There always poor. They are just too lazy to work for something and think it's easy to just steal. Those corrupted minds."
"Well"-"At least your just doing normal police work. Nothing too bad. We wouldn't want you to be around such criminals. Normal is just fine," says his father."
"It's always those poor people. Ruining the economy I tell you. They all need to be in one with God. Not a jail cell," Mrs. Smith says. They all chuckle( Except Wilson ), "All those awful people effecting us and young children. Like the homeless. It's ungodly."
" I completely agree," Wilsons father says," that's why my firm plans on removing as many homeless as possible and putting them in jail where they belong to make a safer environment for our children."
"Ooh! Brenda we have to talk about the bake sale for the church meeting!" Mrs. Smith says suddenly.
"That's right! Alright everyone, why don't the men go to the tv to discuss sports while us girls talk about the bake sale in the tea room. Then by some time my maid will have fixed the table for dessert."
All the men got up except Wilsons younger brother. Wilsons father says to him, " Get up boy, your guy." Pausing for a moment Wilsons brother gets up and head to the living room with the men to watch football.
Wilson asks his father a question while in the tv room, "Father, why wouldn't you want me around bad criminals?"
"Those are bad minds. Thinking that robbing and corrupting children is okay. People like that must be constantly hidden from everyone so no one knows of such awful things. No children should even know about robbers. All children should grow up feeling the world is perfect and safe. Your becoming a man Wilson and as a man its our job to erase all that bad from the children. To make sure they don't know anything. All we have to do is stop the poor."
Wilson just stares at the tv showing the football game. Yet he wasn't watching the game. All he started at was his reflection.
"Wilson? Like I said we must think simply black and white. Simple."
"Yes sir," Wilson says starring at his reflection.

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