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Walking towards the front door Wilson grabs the doorknob.
"Wilson! Please talk to us!" His mother says while everyone walk after him. The guest staying the dinning room. You can hear his father say, "He's always had his problems. We always have to come and tell him everything is fine. Sometimes he gets a little confused. Maybe it's his college days. You know how crazy the kids can be," his father chuckles.
"Wilson! Please don't leave," his mother smiles behind him as Wilson is frozen holding the doorknob, "Let's just talk this out," His mother looks to his father,"I think we know what the real problem is to get you thinking these crazy ideas."
Wilson let's go of the doorknob and turns around looking for their explanation.
His father sits on the couch gesturing for him to sit across from him.
Wilson looks to the dinning room, "If this is a family discussion shouldn't we be alone?"
"What? Oh no! There our friends! This isn't even that serious! There are no secrets amoung our community! And their in another room. Sit please."
Wilson sits down slowly in confusion. His mother siting next to his father smiles, "We think it is time that you know something. Seeing that you have been distance lately. Perhaps because you have felt different around us. Well we know the explanation."
"You do.." Wilson says more concerned.
"Yes," his mother says," We think your depression is coming back. What ever the doctor calls it. We'll just get you the medication and you'll be fixed!" She smiles.
"What?" Wilson shouts standing up.
"Remember you had it when you were little," his father says, "After you lost your twin sister you felt completely 'alone' the doctor said," his father smiles," see it all has an explanation. Your just feeling alone again from not having your twin around. When we lost Rebecca it took a big tole on all of us in the family."
The mother smiles, "You couldn't look at anything red for such a long time. Weird huh?"
"Depression? How come I don't Remember it? I remember Rebecca leaving, but not being so-"
"Well we gave you all these lavish things to help you forget. Why would you want to remember that?" His mother said,"The doctor knew you would grow out of it and then poof you were out, perfect Wilson. Of course sometimes you wondered off into your own thoughts of us being bad people but we always put you on the right path."
Feeling revolted Wilson puts his hands to his face, "That's why you never spoke of her. You made me try to forget her. You knew it would bring back the memories of how I felt. It's a disorder mother.You couldn't just accept that your perfect family had a flaw, so you helped me forget everything by covering it with all these gifts and trips to Europe. All around the world we went when I was young, because you two didn't want to help me face my real issue. You do know because of this I never learned to cope with it and forgot most about my sister in the process. I was six!"
His father stood up, "That is exactly why we did it! A kid should be happy! You should always be happy! So we gave you things to push the happiness."
"That's why it was like she never existed. That wasn't it as to why I was so upset. I thought it was just me, but I'm glad I was told this. Now I know why I always had to fight so damn much to hide all those thoughts in the back of my head. Thinking nothing of it.Why you raised me to be blind," Wilsons eyes water as he screams, "What? You thought if I never saw the world so happy I would go crazy. My mind would go too far deep! Don't mention Rebecca because that will blow the top off and Wilson won't be perfect and the depression will kick in? All must be happy in our family. All must be perfect. Not one flaw. We must make Wilson not know anything of his flaw for if he know he will give in and we won't be perfect anymore..."
                     His father sighs, "I think your over exaggerating a simple situation. You had depression at six to ten years old and we helped you forget it and sometimes it came back but we hide it from you so you could always be happy. Now it's coming back-"
                     Wilsons screams, "BECAUSE YOU NEVER LET ME FIX IT! You do know it's okay to be sad. It's okay to not be happy and perfect. I would have accepted it, but even my own parents couldn't accept that their son wasn't perfect. They denied it by not telling him himself."

                    Words. Words can hurt someone's core by just conjuring up a simple sentence. Wilsons core was struck when he heard those simple words. One especially. Wilson didn't scream, nor did he yell. He calmly got up and left. Leaving the room in what that house always brought to him, silence.

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