Chapter 10

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The night after the Gathering, and the leaders and medicine cats left their clan for important private gatherings. The medicine cats went to the Moonmeadow to see if StarClan could tell them anything, and the leaders went to discuss what they could do to find the missing kits. "I know we could of continued this last night, but after what happened, I think its best to continue where we left off." Cherrystar said.

"I think so too, but I'll review of what we know so far." Ravenstar said. "So we decided we should set up a patrol to go search for these kits." She said.

"Right." Cherrystar said. "What I was thinking is having Nightwing, Nutfeather, and Firepelt from my clan look for the kits." Cherrystar looks at Silverstar.

Silverstar sighed. "Pricklestripe, Sawnleg, and Wetpaw would be perfect for this." Silverstar said.

"I'm sending Darkpaw, Goldjaw, and Foxclaw for this." Shadowstar said.

The leaders looked at each other knowing Darkpaw's mentor is not going with them. "What about Darkpaw's mentor?" Cherrystar asked.

Shadowstar sighed and shook his head. "I asked him, but he refused." He said. The leaders looked at each other thinking something is up with Raggeddrop.

"Shadowstar," Ravenstar started. "I know this isn't the time, but you should keep you eye on Raggeddrop just incase. I'm not saying there is something about him, but with what's going on, you have to make sure." Ravenstar explained.

Shadowstar glared at Ravenstar, but realizing they could fight later, now they have to focus on this plan. Shadowstar then looked at Ravenstar if she picked her cats for the patrol.

"I already know who I pick to look for the kits, but I plan different patrols one for the morning, and one for night." Ravenstar explained.

"Are you sure, you can have that many patrols looking for lost kits." Silverstar said.

"Well your not going to have a patrol protecting the queens, so look who's speaking." Cherrystar snapped. The two leaders growled and had their claws out ready to fight.

"That's enough you two!" A grey she-cat with white stripes on her foot said. It was GustClan's medicine cat Icefeather.

"Icefeather, what are you doing here?" Cherrystar asked.

"Me and the medicine cats where at the Moonmeadow to see if StarClan had anything for us." Icefeather explained as the other medicine cats appeared.

"And was there anything?" Silverstar asked.

"Not really, but StarClan told us that the four are near, but like we said last time, we can't tell any of our clan mates this, except when we find the four." Honeypelt explained. Honeypelt looked at Silverstar, and then the other medicine cats.

"Right." Ravenstar said.

"Okay, but did StarClan say how the four will be reveled?" Shadowstar asked. Yellowflower shakes her head.

"Sorry Shadowstar, only StarClan knows." She replied. Shadowstar looked down.

Shadowstar didn't argue with his medicine cat and nodded. "Well it's getting late, we should be getting some sleep." Shadowstar said.

"Right." Ravenstar agreed. The leaders and their medicine cats went their separate ways for a night of rest.

"Shadowstar," Yellowflower started. "I-I think I might have a guess who one of the four could be." She said. Shadowstar looked around and he ran off to the other part of the territory. "Where, you going?!" She yelled. She followed her leader, and he stopped at The Lizard Stones. "Why are we here?" She whispered.

"You got to tell me, now." Shadowstar said. "This is a perfect place so no cat from our clans could here."

"Like I said, I might have a guess, so StarClan could be wrong." Yellowflower said.

"Well, just tell me who." Shadowstar said.

Yellowflower stood quiet for a bit looking around, she wanted to show Shadowstar who she thinks the cat is, but she then saw a flash of a tail appear in her eyes. Shadowstar looked at his medicine cat, as she started to feel faint. "I saw something, a tail just now." She said.

"A tail?" Shadowstar asked. "What does that mean?" He asked.

"I think a sign from StarClan." Yellowflower said. The two cats stood silent for a bit, and thought of going back to camp, which Yellowflower agreed.

The next morning, Shadowstar stood on top of the High branch announcing to the clan who he and Goldjaw picked to hunt for the missing kits. "Goldjaw and I have announced who are going to look for the missing kits, other clans are going to be looking for them too, however, we don't fight any clan, unless the leader of the hunting party or I say we do." Shadowstar explained.

DuskClan then looked at each other and agree. "Now, here are the cats Goldjaw and I picked for the hunt." He looked around and nodded. Once he did, Foxclaw and Darkpaw took a step foreword and Goldjaw jumped down to face the two cats.

Sparrowpaw went over to his brother, and put his tail on his shoulder. "Are you sure you'll be okay?" He asked.

"Don't worry, Sparrowpaw I'll be fine." Darkpaw said. Sparrowpaw gave a smile and went back to the crowd.

"You two ready?" Goldjaw asked. Darkpaw and Foxclaw looked at each other and nodded. "Let's go." He said and led the two cats out of DuskClan territory.

In the border of the DuskClan and LightClan territory the three DuskClan cats, were trying to find the scent of the missing kits. "Goldjaw?" Foxclaw asked. Goldjaw looked up at his son, "Is it okay to split up looking for the kits, we might cover more ground?" He asked.

Goldjaw looked around, and checked if no cat from any clan is around them. "It's alright with me, but if you two catch a scent form any cat from another clan, come find me." Goldjaw said.

Darkpaw smiled and ran off to go find the kits. He checked through the area and looking back and forth. He then heard a rustle in the bushes, and with a smirk he quietly was in his hunting pose. Then he pounced with a yowl onto Snowpaw.

Snowpaw squealed in fear and the two apprentices went tumbling down. Darkpaw was able to use his claws to hold himself from falling, and grabbed Snowpaw by her scruff so she wouldn't fall over the ledge. He dragged her up, and the two were catching their breath. "Are you okay?" Darkpaw asked. Snowpaw turned around, and suddenly had her claws out ready to scratch his face. He quickly missed it. "Hey! This is how you thank me for saving you?!" He snapped.

"Well I could have handled it, because I'm a full LightClan cat, you, aren't." She snapped. Darkpaw glared, and had his claws out, and tried to scratch her.

"Would a thank you, still be good enough for you, I mean I may not be clan born, or from your own clan, but at least I saved you!" Darkpaw snapped.

"Yeah, by a non-born clan cat." Snowpaw snapped back. The two cats had their claws out, and were ready to claw each other to the death, but then something caught Darkpaw's nose.

"Hey, have you caught that scent?" Darkpaw asked.

Snowpaw sniffed the air, and gasped knowing what clan that scent belonged too. "DuskClan." She whispered. Darkpaw then looked lower, and saw Raggeddrop looking through the bottom of the gorge looking around.

"Raggeddrop? What's he doing here?" Darkpaw whispered.

Snowpaw then saw some cats appear, and gasped seeing small, injured kits being held by a band of rouges, as they were placed in the middle of the gorge Raggeddrop looked at them. His ears then picked up sound and when he looked around he saw no one around. Seeing that he was being watched, Raggeddrop looked at the rouges and they picked up the kits and ran off, however, they dropped one little black kit.

Snowpaw and Darkpaw came up out of the bushes, and saw the little helpless kit.

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