Chapter 13

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"Is she going to be okay?" Rosepaw asked. Clearpaw and Treeleaf have been helping the young kit Snowpaw found to make sure she'd stay alive.

"She's fine, she's only in shock." Treeleaf said giving the young kit a poppy seed to calm down. "This Poppy seed will help her."

Snowpaw sighed. "That's good." She said. Snowpaw smiled at the young kit, and took a good look at her. She was small as a bunny, and smiled seeing that she'll be all right. Silverpaw, who came back from hunting slowly, came in with a robin in her mouth.

"Hey." Silverpaw whispered.

Snowpaw smiled back. "Hey, Silverpaw." She replied with a whisper. She went to the small kit, and smiled. "Aww, she's so cute." She whispered.

Snowpaw smiled, and softly giggled. "Yeah, I know. What do you think we should name her?" She asked.

Silverpaw thought of it, and looked at the kit some more. "How about, Bunnykit?" She suggested. Snowpaw along with Treeleaf smiled at the name Silverpaw suggested for the young kit.

"I love the name Bunnykit." Petalclaw said, slowly getting up to her daughters. Snowpaw and Silverpaw smiled seeing their mother up and feeling better.

"Thanks." Silverpaw said with a smile.

Petalclaw smiled and licked her daughter's head. "Treeleaf?" Petalclaw asked. "I know I've been resting for a while, but I was wondering if I could take care of Bunnykit for the time being?" She asked. The cats were shocked at this, and wondered why Petalclaw wanted to be Bunnykit's foster mother after getting over a sickness and just being the mother to Silverpaw and Snowpaw.

"Petalclaw are you sure?" Treeleaf asked.

Petalclaw nodded. "Of course, I'll be fine." Petalclaw said. Petalclaw went up to the kit and carried it to the Queens den. Treeleaf got worried and followed her, along with Snowpaw, Silverpaw and Clearpaw. Clearpaw looked at his mentor with worry, both wondering if Petalclaw should do this.

Petalclaw looked at the cats staring at her and gave them a smile. "Trust me, I'll be fine." Petalclaw said going back into the den being greeted by Squirrelflower and her kits.

Silverpaw was about to say something, but her mentor came by to talk to her. "Silverpaw, there you are." Pineleaf said.

"Oh hi Pineleaf." Silverpaw said turning to her mentor. "Is something wrong?" She asked.

The grey tabby warrior shook his head. "No." He gave a chuckle. "I was wondering if you want to do a night patrol tonight?" He asked.

"Really?!" Silverpaw asked surprised. The white and silver patched warrior then looked at her mother who was given Borage leaves by Clearpaw so she can produce some milk for Bunnykit to enjoy. Pineleaf knew something was wrong with Silverpaw, but gave her a small smile

"Petalclaw will be fine Silverpaw. She can do this." Pineleaf said. Silverpaw looked down for a second, and back up with a smile.

"Ok. I believe you." Silverpaw said. Pineleaf smiled and guided his apprentice to Tigerpaw, Rosepaw, Leaffur, and Faclonclimb ready to start their patrol. Silverpaw smiled proudly and was ready to leave, but turned around seeing Snowpaw smiling at her. Silverpaw smiled back and left with the patrol.

Once Silverpaw left, Snowpaw sighed and looked down. Ashclaw, a warrior saw her and went up to her. "Everything ok Snowpaw?" He asked.

Snowpaw looked at him and looked back down. "Yeah, everything is fine." She whispered. Ashclaw looked at her, and saw she wasn't fine at all.

"I know your not." He said. "Is it about Silverpaw?" He asked again. Snowpaw's ears picked up, but put them down and turned away from Ashclaw. Ashclaw went to the young apprentice and put his tail around her. "I promise you, it's going to be okay."

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