Chapter 16

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Silverpaw was running as fast as her paws can even take her. She looked for her leader and the rest of the hunting patrol. When she got there she saw the DuskClan patrol facing them, and it looked like the two patrols look like they were about fight each other. Silverpaw stood still seeing both clans growling at each other.

"Where are they?" Moonshine growled.

"We don't know." Pineleaf replied. "But where are our apprentices?" He asked.

"Are you accusing us!?" Moonshine replied. Her mate, Shadowstar stopped her before she could lay a claw on Pineleaf.

Before, anything could happen, she ran in the middle to stop them. "Stop!" She yelled.

"Silverpaw!" Ravenstar and Pineleaf said at the same time. DuskClan held there ground when they saw the white and silver apprentice go between them. Pineleaf looked around and saw Snowpaw wasn't with her. "Where is Snowpaw?"

"And Darkpaw?" Shadowstar said. Silverpaw explained what happened between them and the rouges, and led them too the clearing where they were last seen. Silverpaw gasped seeing their gone.

"T-There gone!" Silverpaw yelled. She looked around in hopes to find the two apprentices okay, but nothing. Moonshine leaned on Shadowstar and cried on him, Ravenstar looked down and clawed the ground with anger in her eyes. Littlestorm sniffed the ground, and saw no blood on the ground, and their scent lingered in the air.

"There still around." Littlestorm said. The cats looked at him and followed him. "The scent is up there." He pointed where the scent goes. "That's where they are."

"Really?" Silverpaw replied. Littlestorm nodded. "Then come on let's go!" She ran to where the scent was, but the two clans didn't move a muscle and stood there. "Come on! Apprentices are in danger and you guys are going to stand there?!" She yelled.

"She's right." A voice said. The patrols stepped back and saw Sparrowpaw was the one who spoke. "My brother might be in danger, and so is her sister." He explained.

Shadowstar and Ravenstar looked at each other and nodded. "Alright, but let's meet up in LightClan territory and we can discuss a patrol to rescue the apprentices." Ravenstar explained. The cats nodded and ran off to their clan to pick their patrols.

Much later, Darkpaw was slowly opening his eyes, he looked around and saw he wasn't anywhere familiar. Darkpaw saw a blurry figure standing in the distance, is almost looked like his mentor. "Raggeddrop." He mumbled. The cat then ran away, and Darkpaw sighed. He slowly got up and looked around to see where he was, it looked like a den, but wasn't as comfortable as his own.

Then he heard a groan coming right next to him. He turned around and saw Snowpaw passed out next to him. Darkpaw nudged her a bit, making her eyes open. "W-Where are we?" She asked.

"I-I don't know." Darkpaw replied. The two looked outside the den, and saw they where in an open, dry clearing. It almost looked like they were in part of the forest that died out.

"It looks like everything around here, died." Snowpaw said.

"Very." Darkpaw replied.

"Your being trained." A voice said. The two looked around, and saw a reddish brown tom kit with black spots. The kit appeared closer to them.

"Being trained for what?" Snowpaw asked.

"The rebellion." The kit replied. "The leader and the other cats took me and two other kits so we can train and fight." He explained.

"Who?" Darkpaw asked.

"The clans." The young cat replied. Snowpaw and Darkpaw gasp and look at each other. "The leader said, 'that the clan cats do nothing, but betray each other and kill for a living', and that we need to go against them and watch them fall." The kit explained.

Darkpaw and Snowpaw felt insulted, but looked down in sadness. "Well how would you feel, if we told you were both clan cats." Snowpaw said. The kit glared and was ready to fight the two, even though he was much younger then them.

"But," Darkpaw said stopping the kit before he can injure himself. "What your leader said, is wrong. Yes us warriors fight each other, but its for survival, we don't betray our clan, no matter what. We don't know what he was saying, or where he got this from, but being a warrior is sacrificing your life to save the clan." He explained.

The kit glared at Darkpaw, not believing a single word the young apprentice said. "You have to believe us young kit, a warrior never lies." Snowpaw said.

The kit said nothing, and walked back inside the den. The apprentices looked at each other and sighed. "What are we going to do?" Snowpaw asked.

"I don't know," Darkpaw replied. "But all we have to do is stay here and wait for our clans to help us." He said.

"Your right." Snowpaw replied. "If we leave, and are clans are looking for us, if they make it here they would get injured." She explained.

"Right." Darkpaw said. The two cats went back in the den, and fell asleep.

Warriors: The New Forest-A New LightМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя