Chapter 8

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A little grey squirrel was running through the forest floor gathering nuts to eat. As it was chewing on a nut, a rustle in the bushes caught its attention. It looked around seeing whom it was hiding in the bushes. After a few seconds of silence the squirrel went back to eating. Suddenly, after a moment, Silverpaw jumped in and caught the squirrel with one strike of her paw.

"I-I caught it." Silverpaw said catching her breath, surprised she caught fresh kill for the clan. "I caught it!" She cheered. She picked up the squirrel in her mouth with a smile, when two apprentices in her clan Tigerpaw, and his sister Rosepaw.

"Nice job Silverpaw." The tom apprentice said going over to Silverpaw. He put his tail around her making her smile.

"I told you after some practice you'd be able to catch your own prey." Rosepaw said.

Silverpaw smiled, and followed the other apprentices to catch their fresh kill for the pile. In LightClan, Silverpaw's mother, Petalclaw suddenly got sick, and Treeleaf told the apprentices to fetch some prey and water for her. Snowpaw along with her mentor went to the river to fetch some water, while Silverpaw and the other apprentices, along with Pineleaf, Falconclimb, and Leaffur went on a hunting patrol to fetch some prey.

During the hunt the apprentices went to their mentors and showed off their prey. "Look Pineleaf I caught a squirrel on my first try!" Silverpaw cheered.

Pineleaf looked at his apprentice and smiled seeing she's finally learning, but she still has a lot to learn. Rosepaw and Tigerpaw also came holding their fresh kill in their mouths.

"Can we go check up on Snowpaw, and the rest of the water patrol?" Silverpaw asked her mentor. She wanted to tell her sister about her capture, but Pineleaf shook his head.

"I'm sure Snowpaw and the rest of the water patrol is on there way back to the camp. So you can tell her there." Pineleaf said.

"Okay." Silverpaw said. The hunting patrol went to the camp and placed their prey in the fresh-kill pile. Silverpaw asked her mentor if she could give her prey to Petalclaw, and with a smile he agreed. Silverpaw smiled and went into Treeleaf's den. She smiled when she saw her giving the moss that was soaked with water to her mother. "Hi Treeleaf." Silverpaw said catching her attention.

Treeleaf saw her and smiled. "Hello Silverpaw."

"How is Petalclaw?" Silverpaw asked.

Treeleaf gave a smile and turned around seeing Petalclaw asleep. "She's doing fine, Snowpaw gave her some water, and I gave her one poppy seed just before you showed up." Treeleaf explained.

"That's good. When she wakes up, give her this squirrel." Silverpaw said pushing the squirrel towards Treeleaf's paws. Treeleaf picked up the squirrel and nodded leaving it next to Petalclaw.

Silverpaw smiled and before she left she gave her mother a lick on her cheek. As she ran out of the den she bumps into the medicine cat apprentice, Clearpaw. "Sorry Clearpaw." She said shaking her fur.

"Oh its fine Silverpaw." The young apprentice said gathering the herbs he dropped.

Silverpaw started at him for a few seconds, and picked up one of the herbs for him. "Here you go." She muffled with the herbs in her mouth.

Clearpaw smiled and grabbed the herbs from Silverpaw's mouth. "Thanks." Clearpaw said with a smile.

"Your wel-" Silverpaw was cut off when Tigerpaw came over.

"Hey Clearpaw. What's going on?" Tigerpaw snapped. Silverpaw sighed seeing Tigerpaw being protective of Silverpaw again. Ever since she was born Tigerpaw was the one to protect Silverpaw from other cats, since he was born 4 moons before Silverpaw and her sister were born. It annoyed her, but she got used to it and then relieved when Tigerpaw became an apprentice with his sister, but now she became an apprentice, Tigerpaw's protectiveness struck again.

"N-Nothing. I dropped some herbs and Silverpaw was helping me." Clearpaw stuttered. Before Tigerpaw could show his claws towards the apprentice, Silverpaw stepped in.

"It's the truth, Tigerpaw." Silverpaw said. The two apprentices glared for a while. After what felt like a moon, Tigerpaw sighed and went to help his sister feeding the elders.

Clearpaw sighed seeing he was relieved Tigerpaw didn't attack him. "Thanks." Clearpaw said.

"Your welcome." Silverpaw said with a smile. She then turned around and saw Tigerpaw talking to his to mentor about what happened, and trying to act innocent like he didn't mean too. Though that didn't work when she saw Falconclimb looking like he's scolding him. It gave Silverpaw a small giggle seeing Tigerpaw getting in trouble.

"I'm worried about him sometimes." Clearpaw said looking at Tigerpaw getting scolded.

"Yeah. I have to agree with you." Silverpaw said agreeing with the apprentice. "Though were not the only ones, his mother and Rosepaw also get worried for him too." She pointed out.

Clearpaw looked down for a second, until he took the scent of his mentor. "Clearpaw." Treeleaf called out.

"Oh, hi Treeleaf. I got the herbs you needed." Clearpaw said.

"Thank you. That's good amount, put it in my den with the rest of the herbs." Treeleaf said. Clearpaw smiled and went in the den to organize the herbs.

Silverpaw smiled, but she then heard rumble seeing she was hungry. Silverpaw smiled and was ready to go to the fresh kill pile to grab some prey for the elders first, but then she heard the meow of one of the elders.

"Silverpaw." The ginger elder tom called out. "Your sister, got our prey for us, you can join her in here if you want."

Silverpaw smiled and ran to the elder's den and smiled seeing Snowpaw eating prey with the elders. "Thanks Gingershadow." Silverpaw said as she sat by her sister and enjoyed prey with her.

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