Chapter 11

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Snowpaw and Darkpaw went over to the kit, and gave it a nudge. The kit was a black she-kit with tufted ears and a fluffy tail. She didn't mewl or anything, Snowpaw nudge it again. Darkpaw looked at the kit and gave it a lick. Suddenly, the kit squealed and twitched a bit.

Snowpaw sighed. "Thank StarClan." Snowpaw and Darkpaw smiled at each other. The two looked at the kit and then at each other on who gets to keep it.

Darkpaw looked at Snowpaw and gave her a smile. "Here, you keep her." Darkpaw said.

"R-Really?" Snowpaw asked. Darkpaw nodded. Snowpaw slowly looked at Darkpaw and the kit, and slowly picked her up. Darkpaw smiled and nodded, and Snowpaw went off. Darkpaw smiled, and was glad to see her off and running.

Darkpaw sighed in relief seeing he didn't have to fight her. "Now to find my clan." Darkpaw said to himself. He came up from the gorge and went to track the scent of his clan. Darkpaw went around trying to track his clan's scent and went around the forest looking for them. Suddenly, he also caught the scent of GustClan in the area as well.

Darkpaw ran over to where the scent was near, but was grabbed by Yellowflower. "Hey! Yellowflower!" Darkpaw yelled. "What are you?"

"Don't you dare go!?" Yellowflower snapped.

"W-Why?" Darkpaw asked. Yellowflower pointed and saw his clan fighting with GustClan. Darkpaw gasped seeing his clan fight GustClan. Darkpaw looked back and forth seeing the cats claw and bite each other. Some blood splatter from the attack, but that's not what worried him, Darkpaw didn't see his brother. "W-Where is Sparrowpaw?!" Darkpaw asked. "H-He's not fighting is he?"

Yellowflower shook her head. "I-I don't know?" She said. Darkpaw got scared and ran off to look for his brother through the battle. "Darkpaw!" Yellowflower yelled.

Darkpaw was in the middle of the battle looking for his brother. He tried to miss all the claws that were headed towards him. As Darkpaw tried to escape to find his brother, a tom with cool blue eyes came by and pounced pushed him away causing him to fall. Once he fell in the ground, he closed his eyes and passed out.

"Darkpaw." A voice called. Darkpaw slowly opened his eyes and looked around. He didn't know where the voice came from, or who was speaking to him, but he looked up and around too see who was there with him.

"H-Hello?" Darkpaw called out. He slowly got up, and looked around. This place wasn't familiar to him, so he wasn't sure if he should keep walking, or just stand there and wait for someone. "Is anyone here?" He called out again.

He slowly got to look around his surroundings, and didn't know if he was dreaming or was dead. "Sparrowpaw!" He called out, but no answer. "Yellowflower! Shadowstar!" still no answer. "Birdwhisker! Foxclaw! Petalpaw!" Darkpaw started to get scared seeing he was alone, and no one was there to help him.

"Darkpaw." The voice called out again. Darkpaw turned around and so no one there, but the voice was where he was facing.

"Hello!" Darkpaw called out again, but louder.

"Darkpaw, follow me." The voice said. Darkpaw stood there for a bit, and ran towards who was calling him. Darkpaw then went to where the voice was, and in front of him he saw a ghostly silhouette of cat.

"Darkpaw! Darkpaw!" Another voice called, and suddenly a white flash blinded him.

"Darkpaw! Darkpaw are you okay?!" The voice of his brother, Sparrowpaw called out.

"Guys move away, he's still in shock." The voice of Yellowflower said.

Darkpaw slowly opened his eyes, and saw Sparrowpaw, Yellowflower, Shadowstar, and Moonshine around him. "Sparrowpaw. Yellowflower. Shadowstar. Moonshine." Darkpaw mumbled.

Moonshine smiled and moved to go to her foster kit. "Oh your okay." Moonshine said nuzzling him. "I thought I would loose you." She said. She gave him small licks.

"I'm fine Moonshine." Darkpaw said, he tried to get up, but felt a pain on his leg.

"You almost sprained you hind legs, but you'll be fine." Yellowflower said.

Darkpaw sighed. "Thanks, but what happened?" He asked.

"During our battle, with GustClan." Shadowstar started. "You got caught in the battle, and fell. I was able to stop the fight, and we were able to retreat with you." He explained.

"And I was back here, waiting for the patrols to show up, protecting a young kit." Sparrowpaw said. Darkpaw looked and saw next to him was a dark grey tabby.

"Our clan and GustClan fought over this kit, but once we retreated Cherrystar let us have him." Shadowstar said. Darkpaw slowly went over to the kit and gave him a small lick.

"We named him Smokekit." Yellowflower said. "He'll be raised by Fawnpool, since her kit, Dustkit will be an apprentice soon."

Darkpaw touched noses with the kit, and the kit slowly mewled. Darkpaw smiled at the young kit and nuzzled him softly. "Hi there Smokekit." Darkpaw said.

Yellowflower and the other cats smiled seeing how kind Darkpaw is. "Well it's getting late, I'll leave the two here for the night." Yellowflower said pushing the cats away.

"Okay, good night Darkpaw." Sparrowpaw said.

"Good night guys." Darkpaw replied. Yellowflower smiled seeing the cats go to sleep, and she looked at Darkpaw.

"Darkpaw?" Yellowflower asked. "I heard you talk in your sleep, was something going on?" She asked. Darkpaw nodded, and explained what he was dreaming of, and his past dream he had over a moon ago. Yellowflower stood there shocked, and stared at the young kit.

"Darkpaw, you remind me of a cat mentioned to me in a prophecy." Yellowflower said. Darkpaw's eyes widen in surprise. "I think your one of the four." She said.

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