Liz's ex-boyfriend kissing the fragile girl that was once--and possibly still is--his rebound; it was all too cliché for me. I wasn't one to give out my affection easily despite my tendency to stare at good-looking guys for a few moments too long.

This time wasn't going to be an exception.

That was my state of mind until I looked up from his lips and into his eyes, them now not being such a hazy shade of green. I saw them so clearly now, too clearly for my liking. Depression stretches singular moments into lifetimes, my eyes catching every minute detail that lay hidden within his soul.

I could see a small waver of courage in his eyes; the fear, anguish, and love swirling around in his emerald green pools as well. I then predicted what he would look like after I had rejected him, my mind's eye seeing the broken look that would cripple his gorgeous green eyes along with his heart as he hung his head low in sorrow.

I had never really considered the pain of rejection. I'd seen it occur from the other side of a TV, not thinking much of it aside from the small pain I felt for my favorite character who was left broken-hearted. It's like the death of a distant friend, that small pain that lingers but never really aches because it's not yours to feel.

Then you experience it far to close for your liking. The sight of someone leaning in, fearful as they put their heart on the line for you.

It's like they're in a coma.

A single question flickered through my mind, Nathan's lips slowly inching closer to mine as the seconds wasted away, "Are you going to pull the plug or let him live just a little longer?"

The question was dark, elegant, and beautiful; yet I really didn't have the time to admire the complexity of my words. I had to act quickly--I had to make my decision.

Pull the plug? Let him live?

Such an easy choice, yet it became the hardest one for me to make. I really didn't want to see him crumble, but after what he's done, didn't he deserve it?

I was once the girl who held a kiss near and dear to her heart, a sacred moment shared with only the one that you truly loved. But now--as I've grown older and become a new person--I've only realized how much pain a small moment could bring about.

The meaning had steadily drained away, creating yet another a dull ache that widened the fissure left in my heart. My feelings had meant nothing to me before, I had just finally sealed the deal with that one, simple, empty kiss.

When our lips collided, I felt both of our hearts simultaneously break. I hadn't realized what I had done. Though I had prevented myself from pulling the plug,

He was still locked in that god-forsaken coma.


A/n: Oml I really love this chapter <3 Idk why, I just really like the way it turned out after all that work writing it (even though it still seems hella short, Ik ;-;). Definitely worth the wait, right?

Sorry about the updates not being every day, I really am trying. My summer job, homework, and volunteering really get in the way of things. Things like writing trashy fanfics for Wattpad. Ah yes, what it truly means to live xD.

Anyway, QOTD: How did you like this chapter? Was it everything you hoped and dreamed? You all got your kiss scene, after all XD. (look, I promised angst and I brought the angst.)

I hope you all are doing well and thanks for almost 200 votes (lol and 1.4k reads)! Vote, comment, and share!

To the people who do all three every chapter: You are my baes <3

To the people who do all three every chapter: You are my baes <3

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~Christy <3

~Christy <3

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