Chapter 20

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*coreys pov*

Grace came running over to me as I sat upon the steps of my house feeling regret and emptiness. I cannot believe Matt set me up so Talya could see me attack him. If only she knew what occurred before the punch.

"Corey! Corey what happened?" Grace asked in a concerned voice and sat beside me on the step.

I honestly wasn't in the mood to talk to another person who would want to instigate another fight.

"What's it to you anyways? To get the story and change it around so I'm the instigator here?"

She just sighed and then said the most shocking thing in the whole world, "no Corey of course not! I totally support you and Talya going out as long as she's happy and you don't hurt her," she said and pointed her finger at me jokingly. I cannot believe she's not siding with Matt.

"What made you change your mind?" I asked curiously. I mean I know she didn't support this in the beginning, her and Matt always hated me. I mean I get why, but still.

"I realized I didn't know you. How could I judge you as a person when all I've heard is rumors? Also, my best friend is dating you and she thinks the world of you, how could I not stand up for you guys?"

"Wow grace that means a lot." I smiled a little and then thought about what she said. Talya thinks the world of me?

"Don't worry I'm here for you guys. But what happened?"

"Well long story short Matt instigated me and threatened to tell Talya's parents we see each other to get back at me for seeing her. He kept instigating me to the point where I couldn't take it anymore I just had to beat the shit out of him. I think he also planned it so Talya could see. How is she? She seemed pretty upset? Do you think she believes Matt now?"

"I don't know Corey I didn't talk to her yet. I'm sure she'll be okay. She's probably just a little shaken up. I'll go talk to her, okay?"

"Alright, thanks Grace," I looked up at her and gave her a small smile. I mean I'm still really upset about what happened.

"No problem," she smiled, "go wash up I'll send Talya out after we talk!" She cheered a little making me laugh and then headed next door to Talya's house.

God I hope she's okay. I know it's only been a short amount of time but I've never felt this way about someone. I've never cared so much and been so happy. She trusts me like no one ever has before, hell not even my own family. There's just something about her. Something that I can't lose.

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Ayeeee hope y'all liked it posting Talya and grace's conversation soon 💓💓💓💓

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