Chapter 9

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We drove down the highway, music blasting, Windows open with the warm breeze blowing through my hair. Finally we arrived at Stone Brook.

"We're here!" Cory exclaimed.

"Yeeeee!!"" I screeched. I absolutely adore Stone Brook. We parked and hopped out of the car.

"Haha you're so excited," Corey laughed.

"I just love this place so much!"

"You're cute."

We walked down the paver-ed sidewalk and admired all of the gorgeous shops. With each one we passed my eyes lit up. I'm such a shopaholic.

"You wanna shop?" Corey questioned.

Of course I wanted to but I didn't want to drag him through all of these stores that he wouldn't enjoy. "Umm we don't have to..."

"Come on! Let's go here," he dragged me into the Urban Outfitters that was on our left. How did he know that's my favorite store?!

As soon as I walked in I felt like I was in heaven. Yes Urban has that effect on me.

"Oo this is so cute!" I squealed while looking through a rack of sundresses.

"Try it on," Corey said.

"Oh I don't want to bore you or anything..."

"No it'll be fun go try it!"

"Oh ok!" I responded. Minutes later we collected a small pile of clothes for me to try on, I mean it's Urban and everything is cute, I have to limit myself.

I slipped on the dress and stepped out of the dressing room and did a twirl for Corey.

"Very chic, very stylish, UGH it's gorgeous we must buy it!" Corey did some fancy accent trying to pretend to be a snooty famous designer. He's so cute and he makes me laugh so much.

"Corey!! You're so embarrassing!"

"Honey, It's called fashion look it up," Corey stated in a terrible French accent. I died.

We continued our mini fashion show and died of laughter. It's a wonder we didn't get kicked out. I decided on a dress, a pair of jean shorts, and a top and we headed out.

"Ugh, I'm starving! You hungry?" Corey asked.

"Yeah a little. Want to find a place?"

"Yeah what about right here?" I looked to see the cutest cafe I'd ever seen. It was small with tables outside and a balcony with seating overlooking Stone Brook.

"Yes it's adorable lets go!"

We ordered sandwiches and coffee and took it to the balcony upstairs.

I was sipping my iced coffee looking at the view when I felt eyes on me. I turned to Corey and he was staring at me.

"What?" I asked. Was there something on my face? God Talya why are you such a dweeb?!

"Nono you're fine, I just, you're so beautiful," he stuttered, "it's weird, I've never felt this way before. I had a really really great time today,".

"Aw Corey you're so sweet I did, too. It was really fun!" Honestly, I was completely falling for him. For being known as such a bad ass and criminal, he was awful nice and sweet.

"I'm totally different around you. I don't know I can't describe it, but I like it,".

Am I, Talya, the one to tame the beast Corey Haim?

"Hmm, I think I like it, too,". I responded with a smile. He smirked back at me and we continued our lunch looking at the beautiful buildings and enjoying each other's company.

Authors note::
2 chapters in 1 day! Ayyee!! It's so hard to post during the week with school and stuff so thought I'd write 2! Let me know how you like it!!

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