Chapter 12

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I tried to make my way down the sidewalk without making any eye contact with him. But I felt the states and then heard a shout, "TALYA WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?!"

Panic flowed through me and I didn't know where to look or what to do so I tried to pick up my walking pace. I heard the heavy footsteps thump down the grassy front of his house and across the street. "TALYA YOU LITTLE SHIT I THOUGHT I TOLD YOU TO STAY AWAY! AWAY DO YOU NOT UNDERSTAND THAT? HES A CRIMINAL HES NO GOOD HOW MANY TIMES...."  Then a screech.

"GET THIS THING AWAY FROM ME! AHHHGHGHG!" I turned around to see Big tackling Matt to the ground and tearing at his clothes, ripping them to shreds. I shrieked and panic flowed through my veins this was all happening too fast and I didn't know what to do. I saw Corey standing near his driveway smirking in the distance. Matt was so incredibly rude to Corey, but he's my friend, I don't want to see him hurt?! But Corey doesn't deserve the horrible reputation that people have him.

Once Corey saw the horrified look on my face he came to scene and pulled Big off of Matt.

"What the fuck man? Are you trying to kill me or something?"

"Well what the fuck man to you as well talking shit about me to my girl?"

"Your girl? What are you talking about?"

"Yeah, today we went out and I asked her to be my girl, do you have a problem with that?"

"You mean, Talya, you said yes?"

"I said yes, I really like Corey and he's been nothing but nice to me the whole time.."

"She said yes, man, she likes me, okay? Do you have anything else to say now or can I go to sleep you dweeb?" Corey interrupted.

"I just... I don't know what to say Talya. I warned you,".

an: hey guys I'm back! Hoped you liked it! More coming! Lol added a little drama in this :))

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