Chapter 10

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We finished our late lunch and began to walk around town.

"I'll take that from you," Corey said and grabbed the shopping bag out of my hand.

"Why thank you, you are quite a gentleman," I replied in a, let me tell you very very awful British accent. So bad I actually laughed at myself.

"Was that Australian or?" Corey laughed.

"It was my BEST attempt okay!" I laughed. It started to get dark and the town lit up with lights from the store signs and trees, and stars from the night sky.

"This was such a great day, you're really great," Corey said. God, he's really great, too. I'm really falling for him I just want to make out with his adorable face oh my god!!!

"Yeah, I love spending time with you. Thank you so much for everything today!" I mean if it wasn't for him, this whole day would have never taken place!

"Nono stop it I really wanted to. You're real cute and our dogs are in love and we're neighbors it was meant to be,". AWW WTH HES SO CUTE!

But then it hit me what Matt told me, "stay away". He's bad! But he's soooo good at the same time?!

"Aw! That's so sweet we definitely were,". Or were we? I'm in such a conflict with myself!

"Oh my god I just had the greatest idea! Just wait right here! Sit on this bench right here and wait!"


I sat on the bench like he said. What is his genius idea? He's literally insane! Not in that way, at least I think...

He came back minutes later holding a box. Ohh lord...

"Talya, oh god I'm so nervous, I've never felt this way, but anyway, Talya, will you go out with me?" He opened the box to reveal a bunch of chocolate covered strawberries arranged in a heart. WHY IS HE SO SWEET?!

"Oh my god Corey!! How and why and yes of course!" I was almost in tears this has been the greatest day with the greatest boy ever. Even if he is a little wild, he has been so sweet to me this whole day and since we met. Dating him couldn't be that bad right?

"Haha do you love it?" He asked laughing at my ecstatic reaction.

"Yes oh my god!" I got up to hug him, but he turned his face and kissed me...

Puppy Love~Corey HaimWhere stories live. Discover now