Chapter 16

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*Corey's point of view*

we sat there in front of the dog pen just watching as the dogs rolled around and chased each other. Occasionally, I would take the opportunity to look at my gorgeous girlfriend Talya besides me. I mean, she's really hot. She had long, perfectly curled eyelashes, brown hair with perfectly blended blonde streaks, tanned skin, and let's be honest a hot body (what can I say I'm a guy).

I was sure as hell lucky to have her, especially with my past and reputation. She's a good girl, and I'm nothing close to good. Matt knows all about my past and he's so close to letting Talya know all about it. She would think I'm fucking insane! But who can blame her, I guess I sort of am. I've never felt the way I feel about Talya about anyone before, so I know she's something special. But what really concerns me is how long it will all last. And how long it will take until she knows about the real me. The me without her there to make me happy.

I just hope her parents don't see us sitting here or else me and her will be in such deep trouble.

"Hey Talya, do you think that water bowl there is getting a little low?" I asked with a smirk.

"Corey? We literally filled it up 3 minutes ago! People are gonna be a little suspicious if we keep leaving and refilling the water bowl every 2 seconds!" She laughed.

God she's right we can't leave. AGAIN.

"Ugh, you're right. I just really wanna get out of here," I sighed frustrated.

"It's ok me too, but it'll be over in a few hours and then we're free to go home," she said, in equal desperation to leave this boring block party.

"What are you doing after?" I asked hopeful.

"I'm not sure, Matt said something earlier about us and Grace all going out, but I don't know if I want to after the way he's been treating me." She said sighing again. I could tell that what Matt has been saying and all the pressure really bothers her. And that bothers me.

"Hey, don't worry about it. And especially about anything between Matt and me. You know I don't care about what he says. He's your friend you can see him tonight if you want. No hard feelings. Honest." I said and held up my hands.

She looked a little unsure, but then finally said, "I don't know Corey, I'm not sure what I should do,".

"Well, think about it this way, wouldn't it make it worse if you didn't go tonight? What would Matt think then? I think you should go, they are your friends anyway. Just be careful and have fun, don't worry about me,". Honestly, if she doesn't go, it will only make things with Matt way worse, and I don't feel like dealing with his ass.

She thought about it for a minute, then smiled at me, "you know what, you're right I don't want to make things worse, but after i hang out with them," she looked down a second and smirked a little before looking up at me again, placing a hand on my thigh, "I want to spend a little time with you."

I know this shouldn't happen to someone like me, but I felt my heart beat a little faster and I had to look away to hide the smile on my face.

"And I can't wait until then," I said and smirked at her.

God, can time go any faster?

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