Chapter 15

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Minutes flew by and I finally snapped back into reality.

"Corey we have to go they'll be suspicious!" I said a little nervously.

"Talya it's fine we have a little time," he said while his hands held my hips lightly.

I sighed and turned around to see the bowl overflowing and water going everywhere!

"shit oh my god!" I exclaimed fumbling with the knob to the water.

"Hey, hey, I got it it's ok," Corey soothed as he effortlessly turned the knob and placed the hose back in the right spot. As he did this I just stared at his beautiful features; a dangerous grin, calm, blue eyes, a structured jaw line, messy dirty blonde hair. I've never seen someone so intriguing in my life. He was dangerous, but also so sweet. He could be so reckless, but also so gentle. I just couldn't understand him. Then it dawned on me. His old house burned down. Matt said something to Grace about it days before. That's why he's my neighbor. What could have happened?

"Thanks Corey," I said with a smile.

"No problem baby. You want to head out there I guess?"

I really didn't want to, but I knew we had to leave or people would find us back here. By people I mean my parents or even Grace and Matt.

"I guess we probably should," I sighed.

We carried the water bowl out to the street and placed it in the dog pen.

"Twenty minutes to fill up a bowl like that? Talya you're pathetic," Matt said.

Corey turned and gave him a glare. "Why don't you mind your own business Matt. Why do you have to be such a nosy asshole all the time. She has her own life and can do whatever she wants. You're not her father and she definitely doesn't need your approval," he said with disgust.

Matt laughed a little then said, "you sure as hell are right, if I was her father, she wouldn't dare be seen anywhere with you,".

Corey maintained the same glare of disgust, but only disgust. He looks completely unaffected by anything Matt just said, whether it's because he doesn't care or he's truly hurt inside I can't tell.

"Matt get out of here!" I screamed, "I thought you were my friend, but obviously you don't care about me or my feelings!" 

"Talya, I did care that's why I told you to stay away," Matt said as he began to walk away, "I know when I'm not wanted, I'll go".

With that I turned to Corey who was standing next to me just glaring at Matt, "Corey I'm soso sorry I don't understand him at all I'm really sorry," I said hugging him.

"Talya it's not your fault, he has a point, he's just handling it the wrong way."

Handling it the wrong way? He has a point?

With that, we just sat down in the chairs looking at the dogs play and occasionally taking "water breaks".

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An: hey hey should I do a Corey pov??? Idkk

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