Chapter 8

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"It's not worth it Talya. It's not going to end well,".

When I got home, Matt's words echoed in my head. I was at war with myself, should I go for it or should I let it pass? I know it won't end well, I know I'll probably set myself up for heartbreak, but is it worth it? I guess I'll let fate play its role.

• • • • •

What's that slimy stuff... EW!!
"JOY STOP IT!" I laughed. Joy was licking my face as I woke up.

"Okay, okay I'll take you out come on,". I hopped out of bed threw on some ripped boyfriend jeans, a sweater, and some keds and ran downstairs to walk Joy. She sat patiently by the door as I attached her leash and opened the door to feel the chilly, morning, spring weather. Once again, we made our way towards the sidewalk and decided to go on a walk through our beautiful neighborhood. Hopefully, avoiding Corey. I just couldn't face him just yet, I don't even know what I want. Well I know what I want, but I feel like the whole world is pulling me away from it. God, what should I do?!

We walked for quite awhile. The sun got stronger and warmed the chilly air. As we made our way around the corner, I came in sight of who else but Corey taking a smoke near his mailbox.

"Talya, baby, long time no see what's up?"

Oh god.

"Hey Corey what's new?"

"Nothing really, just thinking about you. I was hoping I'd see you around." Nonono!! Hoping he'd see me?! IM. GOING. TO. PASS. OUT. IM. SO. CONFUSED.

I just stood there and smiled, "I'm honored."

"What are you doing today?" He asked.

"Honestly, hoping to go to Stone Brook, but my mom will probably be annoying about it,". There's this cute place about 25 minutes from my town called Stone Brook. It's a small town with near the harbor with adorable old fashioned buildings, cute cafes and bistros, and amazing stores to shop in. It's by far my favorite place on earth.

"I'll take you! We'll go right now! We can spend the day there if you want!" He looked up at me from sitting on the curb with hopeful eyes.

GAHH! It sounds so perfect, but how could I pull it off? My parents would murder me, Matt would murder me! But I really, really want to go!

"You know what, let me go get changed and drop off Joy and we can go. Thank you a million times!"

I was running home with Joy's leash in hand excited out of my mind! I know it's probably wrong, but it feels good to do what I want to do, you know?

"No problem baby!" He yelled and stomped out his cigarette, also running inside to get ready.

I ran inside and took Joy's leash off, then I ran upstairs to go get ready! Stone Brook is upscale so I have to dress nice, also I am going on a date with my beautiful neighbor. I decided on an orange, floral dress and some gladiator sandals. I ran to the bathroom to fix my makeup and straighten my long brown hair. I grabbed my huge sunglasses and mini tote bag and ran downstairs.

"Mommy, I'm going to Stone Brook!" I yelled.

"How are you getting there?" She asked. I wasn't going to lie...

"I'm going with a friend! Bye!" I said and ran out before she could ask anymore questions!

I ran outside and saw Corey standing near his truck, yes the creepy truck, looking cute as ever in his b.u.m. shirt, ripped jeans, and white nikes. His dirty blonde hair was scattered perfectly, and he stood there with his signature smirk on his face.

"Well you look absolutely amazing, let's go!"

"Thank you," I laughed and blushed, "you look quite adorable today as well,".

We hopped in the car, and of course he was speeding out of control! This is going to be a crazy day!

Authors note: that's the dress she wears and I have it and I love it so much haha!

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