CHAPTER 7 - Part 1

Começar do início

"Nice place." He said. I nodded nonchalantly and bit back a growl that was forming in my throat.

"So where is she?" Kyle asked and I shrugged. Kyle looked confused and I shook my head.

"She went out with a friend." I said and he raised an eyebrow.

"A boy?" Kyle asked and I growled.

"No a girl. Lisa." I confirmed. Kyle gave me a sad look and I narrowed my eyes.

"C'mon Fen—"

"It's Mason."

"Mason... what do you think they're doing at three in the morning?" Kyle said with a pointed look.

"They're going to take pictures..." I said slowly hearing how dumb the excuse sounded.

"C'mon you're smarter than that man; they're probably at a party. Which reminds me there is one some ways away from here... but it's mostly a lot of werewolves there now that I think about it." Kyle said and I jumped to my feet. I swear if she was at some party...

"Can we go there? I need to see if she's there and if she is I need to bring her home." I said and a growl creeped into my voice. Kyle nodded and pulled out a phone from his pocket. He tossed it to me and I caught it and looked at him questioningly.

"It's yours now, I've got another. It was going to be for Clare but... my number's in there so text me if we get separated there." Kyle explained and I nodded.

He walked outside and I followed him. He shifted into his gray wolf and gripped his clothes in his mouth and I did the same; the task was rather difficult because we were both trying to handle our phones in our jaws as well. He pointed with his snout in the direction and we took off.

Sweaty desperate bodies. That's what filled this building. Desperate people looking for love. The air was thick with it. It was sickening. Light flashed ever so often and it reminded me of the night during a thunderstorm besides the thunder.

I sat at a table tapping my finger impatiently. I'd been in here about thirty minutes. I stared at my phone waiting for it to buzz, I'd called Kyle but he didn't answer. If he bailed on me I was going to kick his ass. Music played in the back ground. Around me werewolves were coming together as they realized they were mates. I growled watching them. There were humans here too, but they didn't know that not all weren't human of course.

This was stupid I was just looking for one person for Goddess's sake I didn't have time for this.

We need our mate Mason! So shut up and look around for her! Stop being so stupid if you screw this up I'll hate you! My wolf growled angrily in my head. I sighed I knew he was right but I didn't care. I crossed my arms over my chest.

"Hey." A female said coming up to me. I looked at her and she whimpered ducking her head in submission and hurried away.

See you scared her away. My wolf growled.

She wasn't even our mate! I growled back. I had no feeling when I looked upon her. I watched her melt into the crowd of bodies. I huffed and got up walking around. People parted for me and I looked at them feeling triumph. I was the strongest here and they all knew it.

Suddenly my phone vibrated against my leg and I took it out.

Kyle: Wya bro

I looked at it then around me before texting: I'm by the tables

Ok. Was his response. I looked at it and slid my phone back in my pocket. I walked toward a table with drinks and stuff and grabbed a beer. I popped it open and sipped the cool crispness of the drink. I was downing it as a voice spoke beside me.

Blackbane: King of Wolves & Men Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora