"He's not a wolf Matthew!" Dad yelled looking enraged.

"Yes he is," Matthew said holding me up so that I stared at his face, "look at me Mason." Hs eyes sparkled and met mine and as I looked locked in his gaze he growled. The hair on the back of my neck stood up and I felt something tickling the back of my throat. Something shifted inside of me and my mouth opened and a snarl cut through the air. I froze in shock at what had just happened and Matthew smiled satisfied and said, "You see? He's got a wolf. He'll make a fine ruler... the ruler of alpha's."

The room had gone silent before Mom said, "You're not taking him."

"Oh shut up Kathryn, you don't know what'll happen to him. You see the wolf will just keep building up inside of him until he shifts. He could do it anywhere; at a store, outside, during school, its best if he comes with me for now, for his sake." Matthew—my real dad—said still holding me.

"Get out Matt you're not taking him." Dad said stepping closer to us.

"What—are you gonna fight me brother? You have no wolf; you'll lose I can guarantee that Sam. He isn't your son, so stop acting like he is." Matthew said to Sam challengingly.

"Me and Kathryn have taken care of him for five years Matt. Five years." Sam spat back.

"Only because you stole him Sam! You fucking stole my son!" Matthew yelled starting to shake.

Sam looked at him and said, "Matt calm down you're going to make yourself shift." Matthew still held me in his arms and now he chuckled between pants of breath.

"You don't get it Sam—I want to shift! I want to beat the both of you so bad you forget why I'm doing it!" He snarled to my mother and Sam. Sam's face drained of color and he stepped in front of my mom. I watched in terror and Matthew put me down.

"Come here Mason!" Mom cried in a shrill voice tears streaming down her face. She wrapped her warm comforting arms around me and I snaked my tiny arms around her neck. Sam joined in the hug and for a few seconds everything was okay. Suddenly they both pulled away and Mom opened the closet door.

"Go Mason, stay in there, baby, okay? Mommy and Daddy's gonna be okay... Matt's just playing honey... don't come out no matter what, understand?" tears flooded my mother's eyes as she spoke and I nodded. Innocent relief ran over me and I smiled up at my mom, "It's just a game?" I asked. I then realized my arm was bleeding.

Mother covered her mouth for a second choking back sobs and said, "Yes it's just a game... now please stay in that closet okay?" I nodded cheerfully and stepped inside the small room. The door shut and I was left in darkness.

"I told you Sam! I told you never to cross me!" Matthew's voice rang out muffled by the door between me and them.

"Calm down Matt please!" Sam shouted. Suddenly there was a loud noise then a crash and Mother screamed.

"Let him go Matt! Stop it!" I heard my mom yell and fear coursed through me. This didn't sound like a game.

"I love you Kath..." Sam's voice sounded weak and hoarse.

"Matt stop—he's bleeding! Sam... Sam!" Mother screamed in a way that made me want to throw up. For a second everything was quiet before Matthew said in a malicious voice, "Only my friends call me Matt... You slut." Something hit the door. I felt my heart skip a little at the noises I heard. A strangled cry rang out and it was followed by a shuffling sound. My mother's sobs started filling the room and I covered my ears for a minute not wanting to hear her cry.

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