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"Got a problem with that snitch?"

My head just met a metal door followed by blood coming out of my head. Here we go again!

The blonde grabbed the collar of my sweatshirt and pulled me closer to him.

"Did you hear me? cause I said, got a problem with that snitch?!"

His yelling was killing my ears, could no one hear him?


See that girl with the raven hair and dark chocolate eyes who's practically getting thrashed by the tormentor of the school? yeah thats me.

My name is Ath but you can call me a loser, I mean thats what everyone calls me. Well besides my parents of course.

As you can see Im getting beaten up just because I said "hello" to Grant holl, more like Grant hell!

Whatever this always happens its part of my daily routine:

Get rise by the dead from my alarm clock, Walk in my bathroom like a zombie, Hate my closet for a decade, oh and the best part going to the underworld every week for five days. (Thank god we have winter break, spring break, and summer vacation!)

As for most or a few of you the underworld may not be school, well welcome to my world! Where in my underworld I get beaten up, get called on, get homework, and get lousy notes getting stuffed in my locker.

Anyway back to where I was getting tossed around like a bouncy ball by my collar!


My back starts to kiss my locker ruffly. This was way worse then yesterday. He finally lowered me down to my locker. I couldn't see straight, I couldn't hear anything, and I can't think clearly.


I look up to see a blurry Grant about to make his fist meet my face until I start to hear echoes coming from the hallway, like I said I couldn't hear clearly but I think I knew who was there.

I saw Grant running away and in that moment I could see great, hear neat, and think better. I then see a guy with dirty blonde hair and grass eyes.

I knew it!

He pulls his hand out, I take it feelings shaky and stand up.

"Wow not even a thank you?" He says acting like I hit him hard or something.

"Oh my gosh thank you so much prince charming." I curtsy like he was an actual prince that saved me from a dragon.

"Ha ha very funny." He rolls his eyes.


This is Tyler also known as the "loser's duff partner in crime."

I mean seriously! Tyler doesn't even look like a duff!

As I was saying Tyler is my brother ( by heart ) and one of my best friends. (Yes I have another best friend don't act surprised!) Whenever Im in danger he will come and save me, Pretty much like prince charming except the siblings version. Im cinderella and he's prince charming and eww not in the romantic way!

Now back to reality!


"Seriously Tyler how do you always seem to save me in situations?" I asked.

"A magician never tells his secrets." He smirks.

"Trying to be Daniel Zindler now?" I joked.


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