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The second Luke's lips press against my skin, and the second I use my arms to shield my chest, is the very second a loud banging is heard on the door.

"Luke, mate? Your dad's looking for you."

Luke and I jump apart, and I watch as he messily runs a hand through his hair.

"Baby," he says quietly. "Please put your top on." he gestures towards the bikini.

I nod quickly, turning around to slip it over my arms with ease.

"I'll be out in a minute, Cal," Luke shouts back. "Tell him I'll be down in a few."

"Okay?" Calum says in confusion. "Hey, what are you doing in Sophie's room? Does she know you're in there?"

"Yeah, yeah, she knows."

"Well, do you know where she is?"

"I don't know, in the pool or something," Luke says through the door.

"What are you doing in her room?"

"Just looking."

"Looking for what?"

"My thing. I think I left it in here."

"What thing? Maybe I've seen it around."

"Trust me, you haven't."

"I probably have," Calum argues, jiggling the door handle. I slowly back into the wall, clutching the bikini bra close to my chest because I don't have the flexibility to tie it up at the back. "Let me in."

"For gods' sake Calum, I'm jacking off, okay?" Luke tells him in frustration.

I raise an eyebrow, unfamiliar with the term.

"You're what?" laughs Calum. "You're beating your meat in your little sister's room?"

"Beating your meat? Does he not know that mom doesn't let us eat in our rooms?" I whisper to Luke.

His eyes widen as he looks at me. "You... are unbelievably cute."

"Thanks, you too. But Luke," Calum shouts once more, thinking that Luke's talking to him. "For real, bro. Why are you in her room?"

"Why does it fucking concern you so bad?" Luke snaps. "Just tell my dad I'll be out in a bit."

It's silent for a while, until the door handle stops moving and we hear Calum release a sigh of defeat.

"Fine, fine," he says. "I'll go and find Sophie while I'm at it."

"You go do that." Luke scowls.

It's not until we hear Calum's footsteps fade that he turns to me.

It's quiet, and I'm still trying to get over the fact that I'm partially naked.

If I were to move my shoulders, my boob would be exposed. One hundred percent. To Luke.

"That was close. Really close." he sighs.

I don't look at him. My eyes are on the floor, avoiding his gaze because my cheeks are as flushed as the neon-pink bikini on the bed.

"Baby?" he says, taking a step forward.

I back away from him. "Soph, what's wrong?"

I bite my lip, looking up at him through a loose piece of hair that decided to fall in my face.

stepbrother ➼ luke hemmings (REWRITING)Where stories live. Discover now