08: Daddy Material.

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"Luke," I moan. "Why do I have to take care of Holly tonight?"

Holly is our neighbour's youngest daughter. She's three years old and an absolute handful- to me, at least. But then again, I hate children. Her parents also love Luke, because he's the only one who can tolerate her on a daily basis.

He babysits her alot, sometimes with me, sometimes on his own. But it's never been just me with Holly; I've always had him to get me through the wonder that is babysitting. He's surprisingly very good at it.

"Because you love me and you'll get all of the babysitting money?" he grins nervously. "And because all the boys are going out and it would really mean a lot if you stepped in for me just this once,"

"Luke, I don't know how to take care of a child." I say nervously, before pausing, "I am a child,"

"Exactly!" he grins, "Which means, you can relate to her. Right?"

"Luke," I groan.

"Fine, fine, okay. Ashley does," he quips. "I called her up and asked if she could help you out. She said yes,"


"Please, Fifi,"



I sigh, giving in, "Where are you guys going?"

"The club. There's a huge gig at Hard Rock," he smiles happily, showing me his fake ID.

"No way," I gawk. "Why couldn't you just wait for your real ID?"

"Because Soph. the party's tonight and I lost my ID a few weeks ago,"

"Why not just apply and wait for a new one?"

"They take too long," he waves me off, before holding out the card for me to take. I do so, studying it intently, slightly in awe of its accuracy.

"Oh my," I cover my mouth so stifle the laughter. "Jack Benjamin Hipmings?"

He just rolls his eyes, quickly snatching the ID from me before stuffing it back into his pocket. "Calum got them for us, alright," he mumbles. "We can't have our own names."

"I can tell," I grin, watching him shove a couple of beer cans in his bag. "You know, I might actually like this Jack Hipmings person a lot better than you."

"Ha ha, very funny," Luke scoffs. Then he slings his rucksack over his shoulder, before placing a broad hand on my arm. "I'll be back in a few, okay babe?"

I nod.

"Make sure Holly doesn't drink any milk, she's lactose intolerant. She's allergic to white bread, and sugar makes her hyper after 11, so don't give her that either," he plants a small kiss on my cheek. "I owe you one, Fifi."

"You do," I joke, watching him walk to the front door.

He pauses, biting his lip. "Are you sure you're going to be okay?"

I nod again. "No milk, no bread, no sugar after 11pm." I repeat after him.

He shoots me a nervous smile, taking that loop of metal on his lip between his teeth.

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