I'll Take It (Rogers x reader)

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Sharon was stunned at your outburst and at a complete loss for words until Tony grabbed her arm to try to lead her away. "Wait, Steve told me that they weren't together anymore," she whispered to him. Her eyes grew wider as she quickly realized what was happening, jolted now from her stupor by the look that Tony was giving her in return. "Oh, shit."

"Yeah, oh shit."


"(Y/N), come on, let me walk you back to your room," Sam pushed, trying to get you away from the situation before Steve could get up the stairway to meet you. "Come on, girl, please."

"Did you know?"

"I didn't know it had gotten this far," he replied coyly and quietly, glancing over his shoulder at the group below and growing more urgent to move you.

"Don't bullshit me, Wilson. I'll pitch something at your head too. Did you know?"

"I knew it was headed this way, yeah."

"I know we're having our problems," you sighed through a breaking voice and still shaking heavily, "I just didn't think that this is how it would go. I never would've thought that he would be that guy."

"(Y/N), listen to me," Steve called out to you as he reached the top of the stairs, "I'm sorry. I didn't mean for this to happen." He was hurrying in long strides towards you, but Sam moved in his way and kept a defensive stance between you.

"Just go back downstairs, Cap."

"Of course you didn't mean for this to happen, Steve," you snapped, pushing your way around Sam. You didn't stop to face him, knowing that even though you had just admitted to yourself that this end was likely inevitable, you felt the pain beginning to build and it was quickly becoming intolerable. Looking at his face only brought the good memories and the sadness of loss, and you needed to get away from it before you broke apart.

"Cheaters never mean to get caught."


It had been three months since that evening, and it was a three months filled with laughter, camaraderie, fun times together, and loving relationships; for everyone but you. Or, at least that's what you thought. Tony and Pepper were the usual peculiar couple, but you were relieved that they were never ones to flaunt their relationship now more than ever. Bucky and Natasha were too hard to read and you didn't really try; between either sparring constantly or talking to each other all lovey in Russian, because you could tell by their tone, you almost had no interest in knowing any more. It was actually the pairing of Steve and Sharon that had held your attention no matter how hard you tried to not watch.

It was the slow unravel that drew you in. You weren't enjoying it, per se, but you weren't looking away, either. You hadn't exactly been following along with their drama, but the occasional screaming match really got your attention when they echoed through the tower hallways. It brought a snide smile to your face, despite the pain it brought with it; you and Steve had never yelled at each other until the night you found out, and you couldn't help but think that they were getting what they deserved. As they should've known, the common bond of Peggy wasn't enough to sustain them. The initial lust wore off and found that love was much harder to feel when tensions began to build. Each time that you saw him looking particularly sad or worn, you wanted to see if he was okay, but you had gotten better at quieting that little voice in your head and keeping out of it.

"Hey, you good?"

Steve's voice broke your train of thought and brought you back into the moment, sitting on the quinjet with him, Clint and Tony. The group was headed to a skirmish in Nigeria, where Natasha and Sam were already well underway; if they had to call you in for backup, you knew that it wasn't going to be easy.

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