"Yeah. That's not gonna happen." Jackie shook her head.

"All right. Fine. Let's move." Callie sighed as she, Alex, and I began to take them inside, leaving Meredith and Cristina to meet the second ambulance. We took them inside and got them situated on a bed, but both of the women refused to let go of the dress. "Okay, do you see that you're bleeding all over the dress?"

"It's not about the dress." Helena shook her head.

"I can't, uh, I can't-" Alex sighed as he tried looking at them under the dress. "There's too much blood down here."

"Which one of your legs is bleeding?" I looked between the women.

"I don't know. I can't really feel anything anymore." Jackie told me.

"I hear you have a broken nose down here." We all glanced over at Mark as he joined us, Callie having paged him. "What's with the dress?"

"It's not about the dress." Jackie sighed.

"Can't they- Can't they just split the prize?" Callie suggested, looking to the judge for help.

"I offered. I offered that fourteen hours ago." He shook his head.

"It is a one hundred thousand dollar wedding package, and I am not splitting it with anyone." Jackie refused.

"Oh, you're bleeding on your dress." George frowned, having joined us since he was Mark's intern for the day.

"It's not about the dress!" Jackie, Helena, and both of their fiancés yelled.

"Uh, uh, I'm gonna have to stabilize that shoulder somehow." Callie alerted us as she looked over Jackie.

"I'll go grab a sling." Alex offered before he hurried off while Callie and Mark stepped aside to talk to one another.


"No way." Jackie shook her head after Callie had explained her plan to everyone. "No frickin' way."

"It's the only solution if neither of you will let go of the dress." Callie insisted.

"It's very simple." Mark added. "Dr. Torres needs to treat Jackie's should and leg, so, Jackie, you need a proxy."

"What?" Jackie frowned.

"Think about it, babe." Jackie's boyfriend leaned over next to her. "This gives you an advantage. You get to rest your hand and come back refreshed. Give me the dress. I'll be the proxy."

"No way. This isn't fair." Helena's boyfriend shook his head. "You think this is fair?"

"Dr. O'Malley's the proxy." Mark decided, looking right at George.

"What?" George questioned.

"He'll hold on to the dress." Mark said.

"Hold the dress? You just want me to..." George trailed off, clearly not liking the idea, "Stand here and hold a dress?"

"No one ever said internship was easy." Mark shrugged. Everyone watched as George took off his gloves and grabbed onto the dress, not saying a word the entire time.

"Dude, your job kinda sucks, huh?" Jackie's boyfriend teased him.

"Oh! Hello?" Jackie groaned as we began to move her. "Watch the shoulder."

"Oh, check it out. Bambi's a bridesmaid." Alex joked as he came back with the sling, Lexie in tow.

"You're right. This did cheer me up." Callie laughed, smiling at Mark as she walked away with Jackie, Alex, and Lexie.

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