Emma's POV
I get to the kingdom of middle haven and as the carriage is strolling in I see the palace and I'm in awe. It's so huge I thought to myself. The carriage stops and the door opens and I walk out. "Good day your majesty." I nod. "My name is Holly and I am your lady in waiting." "Oh hello Holly." She bows and I couldn't help but feel awkward. I have always been independent and to have someone doing stuff for me is going to take some getting used to. "Follow me inside, I will present you to the king, queen and Prince." I nod. I fix my crown and I fixed my hair and dress. Even though I was strongly against this, I have a duty to my kingdom and this engagement had to go through. I walk into the great hall and I see the king, queen and my apparent fiancée standing there. I bow and then I look up. "Welcome princess Emma to our beloved kingdom, I hope your journey was a pleasant one?" I smile at the king. "It was your majesty, thank you." "Emma I would like you to meet my wife, Queen Alana and my son Prince Robin." I bow. "Pleasure to meet you both." The Queen nods. Robin walks over to me and grabs my hand and kisses it. "Pleasure to meet you Emma." I nod. In all honesty I was so happy that Robin is attractive. He's tall, has brown hair and has these amazing dark hazel eyes. I mean I am going to spend the rest of my life with him, I should be attracted to him right? "How about I give you a tour of my beloved palace?" I nod. "Have fun you two." I bow at the king and queen. "Emma from now on you are not to bow." I was about to bow and I nod. Robin and I walk around and he shows me every inch of the palace. He didn't seem like a bad guy but it's still awkward. We get to the garden and sit down in the gazebo. "So did you like the palace?" I nod. He smiles and nods. We sat there awkwardly then he laughs. "What?" He chuckles. "I'm just happy to know that I will be marrying an attractive woman and not some weird and ugly one." I smile and laughed. "Well I'm happy to know that I won't be marrying some ugly and arrogant Prince." He smiles at me. "I know this might be hard but if we work together this will work and I promise you that I will try my best to make you happy." I smiled. He grabbed my hand and kissed it. He took out a ring and smiled. "I promise Emma that our kingdoms will prosper and so will we." He slides the ring on my finger and I smile. "I'm pretty sure you want to rest after your journey correct?" I nod. "I shall escort you, my fiancée to her bedroom and I'll have Holly take care of your every need." I smile and nod. He escorts me to my room. "If you need anything please let me know." I nod and he kisses me on the cheek and walks out. I sit down and I look around and all my stuff were out from the suitcase and were put away. I sighed. It bugged me that he was acting super nice to me. I wanted to hate him but now I see that this is not only hard for me but for him too. I continued to look around my room and I noticed there was a door towards the back of the room. I grabbed the door knob and I open the door. I open it and it's a stairway down to the ocean. The palace was by the shore and my room had a secret entrance to the sea. I couldn't help but smile. As I walked down I couldn't help but enjoy this. I didn't have this view back home and it made me feel better because I now have a little getaway place where I can go to when I want to be alone. I sat down at the bottom of the stairs and put my feet in the water. I am so scared for what's to come and the fact that I'm alone doesn't make it any better. I look at my ring and I sigh. I close my eyes and I felt  something move in the water. I take a look in the water and I get a glimpse of a blue tail fin. It was huge. Right away I take my feet out of the water and I start to think about what sea creature that could be.

Killian's POV
In a matter of hours, we make it to palace. I was honestly nervous to meet Belle and to know that I am going to spend the rest of my life with her was making me feel even more nervous. I'm outside the palace gates and then they open. "I bid you a sincere welcome your majesty." I look at this man and nod. "I am Hector and I will be your servant and guide." I nod. "The royal family is dinning in the back courtyard." I nod. We swim towards the back and there they were. "Presenting Prince Killian your majesty." I bow. The governor swims up to me and pats me on the back. "My boy so happy you made it, come Belle and meet your fiancée." Belle swims up to us and bows. "It's nice to finally meet you Killian." I smile and nod. "Its nice to meet you too." The governor pulls my arm and sits me down at the table. "Dig in my boy I'm pretty sure you are starving?" I smiled. "I'm good, thanks." He nods. "I'm pretty sure you will love it here Killian." I nod. I was looking at Belle and she seemed so nervous and scared. I couldn't blame her I was too. She was so cute though. I sighed. I really did not want to be here but the awesome thing about this is that the palace is so close to the surface that I could sneak out without being noticed. "So what's it like around here governor?" He smiles. "Curious are we?" I smile. "I'm sure Belle will be more than happy to show you around." I look at Belle and she smiles and nods. She gets up from the chair and swims over to me. "Let's go." I smile and went with her. We swam around the palace and she was showing me around. We get to her garden and I noticed she got a little scared when I got close to her. "I know this is hard Lexie but we can be friends for now." She smiles and nods. "Thanks it's just this is so scary." I nod. "Yeah I know." She smiles. "So how'd you like the tour?" "I like the palace it's a little roomier than mine." She gives me a weird look and laughs. "You're the prince of Mermaidia, your home is like 10 times the size of my home." I laugh. "Well I like it better here." She smiles. "You're not like I expected you to be." I raise my eyebrow. "Really how so?" She smiles. "I thought you would be this arrogant Prince and thought you were all that because you're good looking." "So you think I'm good looking?" She smiles and blushes. I smiled. "I think it's time we go back inside." She nods and we go back inside. I'm escorted to my room and I just sat on my huge shell bed. I was looking around and I was not happy. I mean Belle seemed like a sweetheart but in all honesty I don't think I can love her but I guess time will tell. I swam to the window and I looked around. There were no guards or other people by the palace so I decided this will be a good time to swim up to the surface. I raised my hand turned myself invisible. I'm pretty sure they don't monitor us like they do back home. In a matter of minutes, I make it to the surface and I just take a breath of fresh air. I looked around and I come across a huge palace. I swim towards it and I see a staircase that led up to a door. That's curious I thought to myself. I just kept gazing at the palace and my mind wandered off. I started to think of Emma. I wanted to see her again but there are millions of people on land and I'm so far away from where I left her so there's no chance I'll see her again. I then hear a door open and this woman comes walking down the steps. I wave my hand and I turn invisible again and I swim up to the stairs. I get closer and there she was. It was the woman, it was Emma. My face totally lit up when I saw her. What are the odds that I was going to find her here. I look at her face and it was the same face I saw back on the ship. She put her feet in the water and smiled sweetly. She didn't seem happy though I wondered what was bugging her. That's when I see some seagulls flying so I decided my time up on the surface has ended. I look at her one more time and I make my way down to the palace. I swim into my room and Belle is in there. "Something wrong?" She had her arms crossed. "Where were you?" I gave her a weird look. We aren't anything yet and she's acting like this. I sighed. "I was just out exploring." "Without me?" I stayed quiet. "Am I not attractive to you Killian?" I gave her a confused expression. "What does you being attractive have to do with my whereabouts?" She swims away all mad. I sigh. Wow in a couple of hours she changed completely. It's only the first day and I have the rest of my life to go alongside this mermaid.

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