Chapter 27

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Reaching into my shirt I pull out my cloak not wanting to risk anyone seeing me.

As we leave the village all together I hear someone calling my name, quickly turning around in hopes of shutting them up I see Sango's kid brother running after us my sword in his hands.

As he reaches us he takes a moment to catch his breath before speaking. 

"Kaede told me to bring you your sword, she said you may need it." 

I scuff grabbing the shitty sword from the boys hands. "I don't know why she'd think this peice of junk would help me.."

 He looks surprised before shrugging.

Sango steps forward smiling at him. "Thanks for bringing it Kohaku, head back to Kaede's I know you'll protect this village while we're gone." 

She pats him on the shoulder, a goofy smile upon both of their faces as they say their goodbyes before he heads back towards the village.

Putting my sword in the loop at the side of my pants we continue on our way heading into the forest between our village and the next.

Once out of the villages view I take off my cloak giving a gentle sigh at the long and uncertain journey that lies ahead of us.

As the sun starts to set we stop and decide to get some rest, well the others decide that, I'm not so happy about stopping.. 

"InuYasha could you stop being angry and find us some firewood." 

I look at Kagome giving an annoyed huff before walking into the forest and chopping down a tree.

Before long we've eaten and are settled into our sleeping spots.

Kagome on one side of the fire in her 'sleeping bag' as she calls it and Sango mirroring her on the opposite side of the fire, while Miroku sits at the bottom of the tree I am currently sitting in.

I lean back against the tree letting my eyes shut as I fall into a restless sleep.

The next week goes by the same way, we wake up early, eat, and then travel all day aimlessly until night fall.

I growl. "Damn it we've been traveling for days and we've gotten no where! We don't have time to waste!" 

"There is a village not far from here I'm sure we can ask some of the villagers if they've seen your imposture and maybe we can get some answers."

The monk states calmly before getting slapped by the demon slayer for once again touching her butt.

I roll my eyes at his stupidity. "Fine you better be right monk!" 

Pushing past them I catch up to Kagome pushing my hands into my sleeves. 

"Do you think we'll find him?" Kagome asks quietly, looking at the path ahead of us instead of looking at me.

I shrug. "Don't know, the way it's going right now probably not but we got another week until we have to go back to your time, so it's a possibility." 

She nods. "That's true." 

She turns to me with a smile upon her face as she wraps her arm around mine as we continue to walk.

As we finally make it to the village I put my cloak back on silently following Miroku's lead.

Smoke instantly fills my nose as we get closer only causing me to sped up my steps.

Coming around a large hut I see that the entire village is on fire, peoples bodies scattered all around just as Cylis's village had been when I found her.

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