Chapter 17

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A soft giggle escapes her. "Our love making has nothing to do with what I'm saying. My 'village' is down this well." 

My eyes open wide. "Your family lives in this old well! Why the hell didn't you guys build a hut like normal people!?" She sits on the wells edge before turning to look at me, patting the spot beside her. 

"You're gonna want to sit down for this." 

I take the spot beside her giving her my full attention. 

"InuYasha, this well isn't a normal well, it actually connects two time periods together.." She pauses turning her gaze away from mine and taking a deep breath before continuing. "The other time period is where I come from, five hundred years in the future is actually where I was born and raised. This well has been in my family for many years and every Higurashi is able to time travel through it." 

She pauses raising her eyes to look into mine. "I have the ability to show you my time. If you'd still be alright coming with me, I'd like to show you, but I'll understand if you don't want to come or if you don't want to be with me anymore it was truly unfair of me not to tell you this before." Her eyes begin to water and I can't seem to form words.

She's from another time? This well can take us there? What is going on!

My head is at war but my mouth isn't as I speak firm and clearly. "Take me there, I want to see it." I turn to look at her again as she blinks away her forming tears, her face taking on a more shocked expression. 

"Alright, take my hand and don't let go." I nod as we both get to our feet turning to face the well, grasping onto each others hands for dear life.

Silently we step onto the wells edge. "On the count of three jump." My hand tightens around hers as she starts counting. "One.. Two... Three!" I pinch my eyes shut as I jump inside. A warmth instantly surrounds me and I open my eyes slowly.

Looking around it's hard not to freak out, I feel like I'm flying through the blue light surrounding us. Suddenly my feet land on solid ground and I turn to look outside the well, my heart racing a little more as I don't see the sky anymore, instead I see some sort of wooden ceiling.

I look over at Kagome seeing her climbing a makeshift ladder up and out of the well. Once she reaches the top I effortlessly jump and land beside her.

We wordlessly walk to the well houses doors and I can't stop my hand from reaching out and grabbing Kagome's shoulder as she moves to open them. 

"Wait, maybe I shouldn't come with you... Won't your family be disgraced seeing you with a hanyou?" 

She turns to face me taking both my hands in hers. "InuYasha my family likes hanyou's, my grandfather specializes in mixed breeds he will be ecstatic to meet you!" 

I arch an eyebrow confused. "He what about mixed breeds?" 

She's smiles. "My Grandfather has traveled through the well a million times and he has always found hanyou's to be incredibly interesting I know he will love you. My family even knows you're coming, when you were gone today I came here and told them we'd be coming."

 I take a shaky breath before nodding.

She squeezes my hand before slowly opening the doors and leading me outside.

My mouth hangs open and my eyes become incredibly wide.

The hut in front of us is huge and the sun feels different on my skin, warmer for some reason. The sights and sounds and smells are sending my senses into overdrive and I can hear my heart beating in my ears.

Turning to look at Kagome I follow her gaze to see people walking towards us.

I stand perfectly still as they make it to us, Kagome squeezing my hand a little harder as they close the distance between us. 

"Mom, Gramps, Souta, this is InuYasha."

Her family stands smiling at us silently for a moment before her mother takes a step closer to me, her welcoming smile only growing bigger as she does so. 

"It's such a pleasure to meet you InuYasha, Kagome told me lots about you when she visited earlier." 

I look at Kagome and she meets my gaze with a reassuring smile.

Turning back to Kagome's Mother I finally feel the will to speak. "Uh it's nice to meet you to." 

Kagome's Grandfather moves closer. His eyes scanning me a few times. "Kagome, he's magnificent! Truly an amazing looking hanyou if I do say so myself." 

Kagome groans. "Gramps you're not supposed to talk like he's not here. Talk to him not to me." 

He nods while a low chuckle escapes him. "Sorry dear it's just I haven't seen a hanyou in a long time and he has to be one of the best looking ones I've seen yet! Your Mother and Father must of had very compatible genes for you to turn out so good looking." 

I blush heavily. "Uh thanks, I guess.." 

The youngest of the three jumps in helping us all move past the awkward moment. "You're so cool! Do you kill demons! How many demons have you killed!?" 

Kagome's Mother wraps her arm around his shoulder, pulling him close to her side while covering his mouth. "Sorry about him, ya know classic twelve year old boy, he has no filter. Why don't we head inside, I'll make us all some tea." 

I let out a relived sigh but am startled when the old man steps in front of Kagome's Mother and Brother, leaving only inches between us.

His eyes scan my body as he speaks. "Absolutely amazing! Your body structure looks like a humans but your finer features are all demon! Incredible! May I ask you a few questions?" 

I look at Kagome for reassurance but her face is covered by her hand as she shakes her head slowly looking incredibly embarrassed.

I decide to just shrug and his eyes light up. 

"Fantastic! First off what do you eat?" 

"Uh I like fish..." 

He nods. "Alright, where do you live?"

 I relax a little realizing that his questions are rather simple. "I live in a hut that I fixed up and made my own."

 He nods again. 

"How human is your body? I can make out most of your features but is your genitalia that of a human mal-" 

His sentence is cut off by Kagome's Mother's loud voice. "Alright that's enough Gramps! I really think it's time for tea!" 

He looks puzzled as he's practically dragged away from us and into the house, Kagome's kid brother following close behind them.

I blink a few times wearing off the shock before turning to look at Kagome, her face a bright red. 

"Was... Did... Did he just ask me what my dick looked like?" 

She nods slowly. "Yeah I think so... Let's go get some tea."

The Time Keeperजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें