Chapter 21

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{Smut warning!!!}

Kagome helps me into the hut, her family following close behind us.

 "Kagome I'm fine I don't need any help it's only a couple scratches." 

She removes her hand from around my waist and turns to face me an annoyed look on her face. 

"You're covered in scratches and dry blood you need a bath." 

I go to reject her offer when her Mother speaks up. 

"Yes InuYasha you should have a bath you don't want to get an infection." 

Her worried expression stops me from rejecting as I let out an annoyed sigh instead. 

"Fine I'll have a bath if it'll make you guys be quiet and stop worrying about nothin." 

Her Mother smiles than looks at Kagome. 

"I have to take Souta to his soccer practice we won't be long dear and when we get back we'll all do something as a family ok?" 

Kagome smiles. "That sounds wonderful Mama." 

Her Gramps pushes past me suddenly joining the conversation. 

"I'm coming with you guys I'm not going to miss my Grandsons soccer practice." 

Kagome's Mother lays a hand on his forehead softly. "I guess it wouldn't be a bad idea if you came but if you feel sick at all I'll bring you home right away." 

He rolls his eyes before nodding. "Fine, fine lets get going before the boy is late!"

 Kagome's Mother smiles at us. "You two be careful. We'll see you in abit." 

Once they leave I turn to Kagome seriously dreading my next question. 

"Uh how did it go with your Mother and Brother?" 

She shakes her head. "We have lots to talk about but right now I really just want to get your wounds cleaned up ok? Please." 

Her pleading eyes make me agree instantly.


A small smile crosses her face before she drags me up to the second level of the hut and into a room with a huge tub. Way bigger and nicer looking than the ones in my time. 

"She turns a knob and water begins filling the tub. 

"How the hell did you do that?" 

She turns to face me giggling. "It's just one of the perks of this time. Now get your clothes off and get into the tub." 

I blush looking at her silently.

She raises an eyebrow, a smirk crossing her face.

Crossing my arms I decide to play it cool. "I don't want a bath not unless I get something out of it!"

She comes to stand beside me. "And what do you want?" 

I stutter for a second my mind searching for ideas. "I want you to bathe with me if you get to see me naked I damn well better get to see you!" 

Her face turns slightly pink but she nods confidently. "Fine, I'll join you in the bath but I get to wash your hair." 

I groan mulling over her request. "Fine you can wash my stupid hair only if I get to wash your hair and your body." 

Again her face pinks. "Ok we'll wash each other." 

We stare silently at eachother for a couple moments. 

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