Chapter 23

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He leaves the room suddenly the smile still upon his face.

I stand alone for a second before hearing Kagome's voice behind me. Spinning around I see her making her way towards me wearing a white dress that ends just above her knees showing off her legs nicely.

Her laugh makes my eyes snap up to hers, a sheepish grin crossing my face as she shoots me a knowing smile.

 "Stop checking me out or my family will catch you." 

I blush slightly never losing my grin. "Not my fault when you wear a dress like that." 

She goes to speak but stops as her family joins us again. 

"Are you guys ready?" Her Mother asks while stepping outside.

We all follow her lead, leaving the hut and starting down the many stairs towards the festival. 

"It shouldn't take us long to get there I think it's only a five minute walk." Kagome's Mother says to the old man who already seems annoyed with having to walk at all.

Her guess isn't far from the truth as we quickly make our way to the festival. As we enter I'm suddenly glad I'm human for the night knowing all the sounds that are bugging me right now would be ten times worse in my normal form.

Kagome's Mother turns to us. "Ok guys where should we begin? We can go on some rides, play some games, whatever you guys want to do." 

Souta speaks up excitedly. "I want to go on some rides!" 

Kagome nods her agreement happily. "Yeah rides sound like a good place to start." 

Her Mother smiles before handing Kagome some red things. "You two go have fun and try to use those tickets wisely." 

Kagome looks stunned for a second before answering. "But I thought we were staying together?" 

Her Mother waves her hand dismissively. "I know you want some time alone just the two of you. You haven't had much privacy."

 I blush suddenly remembering what we did while her family was away... 

"Plus I have some fun Mother Daughter things planned for tomorrow before you leave.

Kagome smiles. "That sounds great Mama." 

"Fantastic! How about you guys meet us back here at ten? Does that sound good?" 

Kagome nods. "Sounds perfect. We'll see you guys later!" 

Kagome wraps her hand around mine and hastily pulls me away from her family and towards more screaming people.

Once far away from her family she speaks. 

"So I'm guessing you've never been on a ride before."

 I stop and shot her a confused look. "No, and I have no idea what a ride is. Or what anything is really, this time is confusing." 

"Don't worry we don't need to do rides I'm sure it wouldn't go very well.. Let's just go on one that I'm sure you'll enjoy." She looks around before pointing behind me excitedly.

Turning around and looking at the large circle with lanterns around it I blurt the first thing that comes to my mind. 

"What the fuck is that!?" 

She laughs. "It's called a Ferris wheel. It just takes you around the circle slowly and each pair of people get a turn at the very top! It'll give us an amazing view of the whole festival."

She grabs my arm and starts pulling me again. 

"Hurry up! We only have an hour until we have to meet back up with my family!"

The Time KeeperOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora