Chapter 16

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Pulling my cloak over myself I start on the long journey ahead.

It seems to take forever and I know I've at least been running for a few hours before I finally make it to Totosai's cave. 

"Myoga! Myoga!" I yell when suddenly I'm hit upon the head, spinning around to see my attacker I let out an annoyed huff as I see Totosai staring at me. 

"You idiot why the hell you hitting me!?" He blanches for a moment. 

"Where are we? Who are you?" I shot him a death glare before grabbing his robes and pulling him close to me. "You idiot it's me InuYasha! I'm here to talk to Myoga where the hell is he?"

 He continues to stare at me mindlessly and I can almost feel my last shred of sanity slip before feeling a pinching sensation on my neck.

Letting go of Totosai I slap the annoying flee demon off my neck and into my hand. "Myoga this is not the time to be sucking my blood! I need answers not blood taken from me!" He stands on my hand and crosses his many arms. 

"What do you mean you need answers? What have you done now?" Gritting my teeth I answer him sharply. "Don't act like I do this all the time I haven't asked for your help in forever so shut up and help me out would ya!?" He scuffs before jumping off my hand and onto a rock below me.

I mimic his movements, choosing to sit on the caves floor just in front of the rock he's chosen to sit on. "Alright InuYasha I'm listening." I clear my throat in hopes of giving myself more time. "Uh.. Well..I can see my numbers..." His eyes widen as the shocked look grows stronger and stronger on his face. 

"What!? How.. How is that possible you've never been able to before!?" I stay silent as he calms himself. "Ok let's take this slowly InuYasha, has anything big happened lately that could have caused this change?" 

I gulp itching my neck awkwardly. "Well there was this, little thing, that happened last night..." "Alright... Spit it out." I mumble my reply and he scowls. "I can't understand you InuYasha, just tell me what you did!" I groan. "It's more of a who I did than a what I did..." He looks confused for a moment before realization hits him. "You had sex with Kagome!" 

My face gets heated at hearing him say it aloud. "Shut up! Don't yell it for the who damn world to hear!" He gets to his feet and starts pacing the rocks surface which is never a good sign, if Myoga is pacing I'm in for a huge lecture..

 "And let me guess you bit her didn't you!" I quirk an eyebrow. "How the hell did you know that?" His hands fist and I can tell he's trying to keep his calm. 

"I told you not to do that! We had this talk when you first became a man!" "And you expect me to remember that! What the hell does me biting Kagome have to do with my numbers matching hers?" 

He groans. "You idiot that bite mixed your blood together and joined your lifelines! It bound you two together forever. That's why it's so looked down upon when humans and demons mate! You basically condemned yourself to death!" 

I pause for moment trying to make sense of his words. "Wait, then how come when my old man died my Mother didn't? Didn't my Father bind them together?" He shakes his head. "No your Father was strong enough to withhold the urge, he and your Mother knew they didn't want their future children left without a parent so they decided to not bind their lifelines together." 

I scuff. "Well that didn't really work out for them now did it!" His face saddens and I instantly regret my harsh remark. "Who's numbers end first?" He asks suddenly ending our sad moment. 

I blanch. "What do you mean?" 

"Either yours or Kagome's numbers will be shorter than the others by about a minute. You see when you connect your lifelines one of you must die before the other and once the first of you two dies the other's body will automatically create a blood clot that will kill them. It's the sacrifice that shows your love to be true." 

I nod before turning to look outside, seeing the sun sitting low in the sky I jump to my feet. "Shit I gotta go! Thanks for the info Myoga!" 

As I begin running I hear him yell something but I can't quite make it out.


By the time I make it back to the village the sun is setting.

Looking around I see Kagome sitting in the fields her gaze snapping up to meet mine before she quickly gets to her feet and closes the gap between us.

Her arms circle me as she pulls my cloak covered form in for a tight hug, her body goes ridged mid hug as she quickly pulls away, her face taking on a much more annoyed expression. 

"Where were you! You had me worried sick all day!" I stutter trying to form an answer. "You can't just go running off like that! Are you hurt?" Her hands find my body again patting over my chest and arms in some sort of injury check.

I gently grab her hands in mine pulling her away from the fields and into the nearby forest before pulling back my cloaks hood and wordlessly capturing her lips with mine.

Her body instantly relaxes as I deepen the kiss. Staying like that for a few minutes we pull away reluctantly. 

"I didn't mean to worry you Kagome, I just needed to go talk to someone about something important." She sighs. "I understand InuYasha but next time could you at least tell me where you're going so I don't have to worry all day?"

 I nod and she smiles. "So? Who did you go talk to? And what about?" "I'll tell you once we get to your village. Are you ready to go?" She bites her lips nervously. "Yes I guess I'm ready... I just have to bring the herbs I picked back to Kaede's and then we can go." 

I pull my cloaks hood over my head again before we wordlessly head back to the field, myself picking up the basket before continuing back to Kaede's hut.

Entering all eyes turn towards us. "Oh you're back InuYasha you feeling better after your mental breakdown?" The monk teases.

I shot him a death glare. "It wasn't a mental breakdown idiot, I just had important shit to do so shut your trap!" 

"Calm ye self InuYasha, Miroku was merely teasing." I growl towards the monk before turning my attention to Kaede. "Kagome and I are just here to bring back this basket, we'll see you in two days." 

Kaede nods as I set down the basket beside Cylis -who happens to be sleeping through all of this- and turn around leaving the hut without another word. 

I stand outside for what seems like forever while Kagome says her goodbye's when finally she makes her appearance. 

"Took ya long enough.." I groan. As she smiles and walks past me, myself quickly following her lead until we get to the forest and I'm able to take off my cloak, dropping it on the ground knowing I'll remember where I left it. 

"So which direction are we heading in? Two days doesn't give us all that much time since Cylis's village was the closest to our village I'm guessing yours is at least half a days run away for me. Right?" She shakes her head. "No my village isn't that far from here."

 I shot her a confused look which she returns with a sad smile. "Just trust me on this ok? And try not to freak out." Her hand moves out to grab mine as she turns her gaze back to the path ahead of us.

We walk in silence for a awhile, my head reeling with interest and possible scenarios for where she is taking me until we come out into a small clearing, stopping at an old well.

She's silent for a couple moments, just staring at the well before quickly turning to face me, her words coming out with fake happiness. "We're here!" 

I look at the well than back at her, quirking an eyebrow.


"Yes InuYasha." 

"Uh, I must have made love to you a little to hard last night because that's not a village, it's a well.."

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