Chapter 15

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My eyes slowly open and the first thing I see is the back of Kagome's head. Pulling my body slightly away from hers and sitting up I can see that we are both still naked and the sun is about to rise.

I hate the fact that I have to move her but silently put my pants back on, grabbing her clothes in one of my hands and choosing to instead just cover her naked form with my shirts before lightly picking her up and heading quickly towards my hut.

Once inside I lay her beside the empty fire pit and quickly rummage up some supplies for breakfast.

As the minutes roll by with her not wakening I feel myself start to worry.

Did I hurt her? No, she's just tired... Right?

Just before my thoughts make me really worried she starts to move and her eyes slowly flutter open.

Her eyes meet mine and a small smile crosses her lips.

I move towards her, laying beside her and pushing her bangs out of her face softly. "Good morning" she whispers happily. 

"Mornin" I whisper back before she sits up and looks around. 

"Did you carry me back here?" She turns to face me and I nod. "Oh sorry... I guess I kinda.. Well I must of passed out after you bit me." 

I can feel my face heating up as I move to sit beside her. "How embarrassing" she whispers more to herself than to me. "Our first time and I pass out..." 

I lightly grab her hand in mine, gaining her attention. "I passed out to... I just woke up before you did and wanted to get us somewhere the villagers wouldn't find us." Her eyes widen. "Wait, so you passed out to?" 

I nod before turning to look at her shoulder. The bite mark isn't as nasty as I thought it'd be, actually it looks like a completely healed scar.

Catching her watching eyes I blush and quickly turn my gaze towards the floor in front of us. "Kagome, I'm.. Well I'm sorry I bit you. I have no idea what came over me.." I turn to face her again with saddened eyes. "Did I hurt you?" 

Her eyes soften and a small smile appears on her face again. "No you didn't hurt me at all, it.. It actually felt amazing, very pleasurable."

We both blush for a moment before Kagome's hand moves down to touch my side lightly. "I knew I didn't feel your wound last night. How can that be possible? The young demon slayer cut your side wide open."

 I scuff. "My body isn't like human bodies Kagome." Her eyes remain on my side as she whispers to herself again. "Oh I know that, it's better." I smirk as she meets my gaze a confused look upon her face. 

"I heard that." I tease the smirk on my face only getting wider.

Her blush darkens and I can't help but let out a little chuckle. "If you want to say stuff to yourself you should keep it in your head my ears can pick up basically everything." 

She pulls her hand away from my side and gently rests it in her lap. "Noted." She says sheepishly.

Choosing to free her from the embarrassing situation I grab her clothes and hand them to her. "Here get dressed and eat some breakfast I'm sure Keade wants us at her hut bright and early." A serious look crosses her face and I start to think I've insulted her by telling her what to do.

Opening my mouth to apologize she speaks. "Ok but after our work is done for the day there's something I have to show you, something I should have told you, and shown you before we made love..." 

I shot her a confused look before nodding. "Alright, but don't worry yourself Kagome, whatever you got to show me I won't give a damn about, nothing would make me regret what we did last night." 

Her shoulders relax a little as she moves to stand beside me. "Ok. I hope you're right."


I push across the bamboo mat letting Kagome into Kaede's hut first before closely following behind her, taking off my cloak as everyone turns to look at us. 

"InuYasha, Kagome good morning to ye both. We have lots to discuss this morning and lots of work today so sit down please." Kaede says firmly.

Kagome and I do as we're told and Kaede decides to sit beside me giving my arm a little nudge before plopping Cylis into my arms.

Cylis beams a huge smile at me before snuggling into my chest.

After watching her for a moment and giving her a tight squeeze I turn to look at Kaede as I pass Cylis back to her. 

"So all ye know that there is a shape shifter on the loose that is currently taking the form of InuYasha." We all nod before she continues. "I have thought this over for awhile now and I think it's best if ye lay low for awhile InuYasha so that we don't have to worry about accidentally attacking ye rather than the imposter if there happens to be an attack." 

I scowl. "No way in hell I'm doing that Kaede and you know it. Besides I don't go walking around the village free will, I wear my cloak remember? So you can't get us messed up even if that bastard comes to the village." 

Kaede thumps me on the head. "Ok fine InuYasha I won't beat around the bush. I want ye to take Kagome back to her village for a few days, she needs to tell her family about her fate and I don't want to have to worry about hurting ye in the event the imposter does come around."

 I groan, rubbing my head. "Kaede I want to be the one to kill that bastard not anyone else! But fine, I'll take Kagome to her village for ONE night." 

"Two!" Kaede yells only making my scowl deepen. 

"Fine two! But that's all! I'm going to be the one to kill that demon!" 

Kaede nods her head softly. "Fine with me InuYasha two days from now Kagome and ye return and ye can go after your imposter, but until tonight I need all of ye to come with me, we have lots of work to do today." 

As the others finish up their breakfast the elder demon slayer starts talking to me but I can't hear what she's saying.

Suddenly the room is silent and everything seems to be moving in slow motion. 

Go to the water barrel and look at your reflection.  the strange voice in my head whispers quietly.

Blinking my eyes and shaking my head in hopes of shaking off this odd sensation I look around to see that everyone is looking at me oddly.

The voice roars in my head again. Now! Go over there now! 

 Before I can think my body moves on it's own accord and I slowly make my way over to the water barrel, looking down my breath hitches.

In my reflection I look completely normal, well mostly, the numbers floating above my head are new... 

How the hell can I see my numbers all of a sudden? What's going on!?

 My inner voice hears my thoughts and barks another order.

 Look at your bitch, look at her and you will understand

Taking another ragged breath I slowly turn to look at Kagome, meeting her worried and curious eyes before looking up at her numbers instantly realizing that my numbers, match hers perfectly... 

Kaede starts speaking to me but I can't hear her, her lips are moving frantically but there's no sound!

Spinning around I quickly grab my cloak. "I'll be back later!" I hastily shout as I run out the door, knowing exactly where I have to go to get some answers.

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