Chapter 20

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Coming out of my thoughts I turn around to see Kagome's Grandfather looking at me.

He slowly makes his way over to me clasping his hand on my shoulder softly. 

"Kagome is my only Grandaughter and I am deeply saddened to hear that she will be leaving us soon.." He wipes his eyes. "Have you told her that you're dying to?" 

My eyes widen not expecting him to say that. "How did you know I'm dying?" 

"Boy I'm a mixed breed researcher I know what a blood binding bite looks like." 

My face heats as I turn to look out the window. 

"You didn't answer my question" he states softly.

I turn my gaze back to him. "No, I haven't told her yet. She has enough going on I don't want her to blame herself for my death which I know she'll do." 

He nods. "Yes she will blame herself but I do think it's best that she knows. Is your time longer than hers?"

 I shake my head. "I don't know I still have to figure that out.." I turn to look out the window again turning my gaze to the well house. Noticing the top of it is damaged. 

"What happened to the well house?" 

He turns to look out the window with me. "Oh the last storm we had blew a tree down on top of the roof made a huge whole in it. I've been meaning to fix it but-" 

I cut him off. "I'll fix it. An old man like you shouldn't be doing shit like that anymore." I turn to look at his serious face. 

"I'm not old. But I would like the help. Go upstairs Kagome's Mother bought you black shorts a red t shirt and a black baseball cap put them on and meet me outside alright?"

 I nod before leaving the room and making my way up into Kagome's room.

I find the weird clothes sitting at Kagome's table and quickly put them on, instantly hating the way they feel on me.

I make my way outside to see the old man standing in front of the well house.

He turns to look at me once I'm at his side. 

"Looking good boy just one thing I gotta fix." He turns the hat backwards on my head a small smile crossing his face. "Souta told me that's how the cool kids wear their hat's so I guess you should to." 

I have no time to argue as he shoves things into my hands. 

"Here, these are called tools this is a hammer and those are nails" 

I roll my eyes. "I know how to build. Sure the stuff I use are different than these but I know I can figure it out." 

He laughs. "Alright smartass you go up there and fix that roof for me while I sit and relax." 

Scuffing as I watch him sit I waste no time in jumping onto the roof and laying down the first piece of wood.

I finish the roof in no time, hopping down and dropping the tools beside me. 

"Good work boy! The roof looks brand new!" He says while patting my back. 

"Told you I could figure it out." 

He smiles. "Alright I won't underestimate you again."

 I go to answer but am quickly distracted by a sudden scream.

Giving the old man a confused look I quickly grab him putting him on my back and make my way towards the noise.

I quickly see the scream is coming for a woman, following her gaze I see a small child running after a ball as his Mother screams at him to get out of the way.

I land, dropping the old man on to his feet again as he speaks loudly. 

"That little boy is going to be hit by that car!" 

I turn to see a large metal thing coming at the kid fast his Mother now leaving her other child's side beginning to run towards the kid in danger.

The world goes quiet as my eyes pan up to the small child's numbers seeing them quickly running out the closer the metal thing gets to him.

For a moment I decide to let it happen, it's his destiny, his numbers don't lie.

But as I turn away I can't bare it any longer and before I know it my legs are moving at too speed towards the kid.

I get to him before the metal thing does and quickly wrap my arms around him pushing him tightly against my chest surrounding his body with my own.

I know the metal thing will hit us but I hope my body will be enough to shield the kid from any damage.

A burning sensation erupts in my back as we're flung through the air the kid's screams making my ears pin down to my head as we flip over once again making pain erupt from my back as we hit the ground.

The force of the metal thing sending us tumbling a few more times until we finally stop.

My body aches everywhere from all the crashing around but I quickly look down at the kid seeing his eyes looking into mine. Pure terror within them.

I slowly sit up the kid resting in my lap before checking if he has any injuries.

I find none and as I lift my gaze back to him he is smiling up at my head.

Realization hits me as the wind brushes against my ears. Looking around and seeing my hat sitting not far from us I hastily grab it putting it back on my head to cover my ears before his Mother makes her way over to us.

I stand slowly, handing him to her quietly. Her eyes look at me in shock before she speaks. 

"Y-you saved my sons life, thank you so much!" Tears spring to her eyes as she hugs the boy tightly.

I look around to see other people looking at me, shock written all over their faces. 


Hearing my name and instantly recognizing Kagome's voice I spin around to see her running towards me.

She reaches me tears prickling her eyes. 

"You saved that boys life! Are you ok? Are you hurt?"

 I look down at my small injuries. "No I'll be fine." 

The Mother of the child speaks up again this time talking to Kagome. 

"Is this your boyfriend?" Kagome nods. 

"You are a very lucky woman he is an amazing selfless man." 

She turns to face me again tears running down her face. "Thank you so much, truly I don't know what I'd do without my little guy. You're a hero." 

I blush and turn to look at the child noticing only now that his numbers have changed. 

Instead of dying a few moments ago like his numbers said he would they now clearly say that he has another seventy years to live.

 I changed his future.. Maybe there is hope for us...

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