Chapter 5

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Remembering what my Mother had done on the nights I had been scared as a child I slowly place my hand on her back and rub up and down lightly.

At first she stiffens, but with each passing second I feel her body relaxing into my hand. Before I know it her sobs have turned into small huffs and her tears have stopped all together.

While removing my hand I feel her eyes on me and turn my head to meet her steady gaze, for a long moment we stare into each others eyes before she moves closer to me and leans her head on my shoulder.

My face heats up instantly and I can't help the weird nervous feeling in my gut. Why is she leaning on me... I've never been this close to a woman before and I can't say that I don't like it.

Before I can make a decision on what to do next she speaks.

"Yeah know, I'm not really scared to die. I'm just sad about all of the things I'll never be able to do... I had dreams and wishes and now none of those will ever come true."

She shudders again and I feel myself automatically wrapping my arms around her small frame. She leans into me further so we are as close as possible.

Taking a deep breath to try and steady my nerves I speak.

"What kind of dreams do you have? Maybe you can still do some of them in the next four months..."

She pulled away from me, and for a moment I thought I asked the wrong question until she turned her gaze to mine, putting our faces only inches from each others. "Well I've always wanted to see a shooting star and to climb to the top of a mountain and be able to look out onto the world and of course the usual wants of finding love and having a family... but I know that can't happen in four months." She sighs.

"I haven't even had my first kiss, I'm going to die not even knowing what it feels like to have a man's lips upon mine."

A small blush crosses my cheeks but I quickly shrug it off with a huff.

"Well I guess I could help you climb a mountain and see a shooting star I know just the mountain with the best view and I've seen plenty of shooting stars over the valley not far from here. I could take you there if you want."

A small smile crosses her lips.

"And don't worry about the dumb love stuff that shit is overrated anyway a lot of people die without having their first kiss so don't worry about it."

Her eyes pan down to her lap and she nods softly.

"I know... but my heart won't let it go I guess."

Her head whips up to look at me while a huge smile is quickly plastered onto her face.

"But I'd love if you'd take me to the mountains and to see the shooting stars! That would make me feel a lot better."

I smirk.

"Alright then, I'll come get you later tonight and I'll take you to the valley got it?"

She nods happily. "Ok!"

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