Chapter 2

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Entering my small hut I throw off the cloak and plop myself in front of the fire pit. After starting a fire and eating a healthy amount of rice and fish I lay on my shitty bed and close my eyes.

Tomorrow is the night of the new moon, the night I turn human and get to go into the village as a regular, unnoticed and uncared for.

The next morning I rise with the sun and run to the near by hotspting, after washing myself off I make my way to the stream and begin my process of catching fish. Half way through my efforts I sense the hag behind me, before she can get a word in I speak.

"What do you want? Another person dying from the sickness going around?"

She closes the gap between us so she is standing right beside me.

"No not today InuYasha I just came her to tell you I will be training a young girl from a near by village in how to become a priestess so she will be around when we see the next sick person."

Catching another fish and ploping it onto the ground I spin around to look at her.

"Great so I have to deal with another Priestess like you, how wonderful."

She frowns. "Don't be like that inuYasha you must treat this young one with respect she will be new to this village with no friends or family only with hopes to someday take over my duty as priestess of this village so you will have to get used to seeing her as you two will be working together for the foreseeable future."

Standing and throwing the now wrapped up fish over my shoulder I let out a groan.

"Alright alright don't get all serious on me, when will the brat be here?"

"Tonight. And I will bring her to your hut to introduce you two tomorrow how about that?"

"No" I state bluntly. "Tonight will work fine, I'll be in my human form so it'll be good for her to meet me then so she will think that is my true form. The less people that know who and what I truly am the better. Got it?"

She nods. "Alright, come by my hut tonight and ye two shall meet."

As the sun starts to set I sit quietly outside my hut waiting for the intense sensation of losing my hanyou blood to hit me. When it finally does it feels the same as it always has. First starting with a warm sensation on my head and slowly working it's way down to me feet when the warmth is gone I know I am completely human and start making my way to the village without my cloak.

The walk is much longer than usual seeing as I'm slow in my human form but i make it to the hags hut before midnight which I consider pretty good.

Pushing the bamboo curtain out of the way Kaede greets me with little to much excitement.

"Ey InuYasha you have come! I was starting to think you weren't coming anymore. Here let me introduce you to Lady Kagome."

She steps out of my view and holds out her hand to the young woman sitting on the floor nearest the fire. The young woman stands and takes Kaede's hand before turning her gaze to me.

"Hello. You must be InuYasha, Kaede has told me a lot about you. I'm Kagome Higurashi I guess we'll be working together."

Her smile makes me sick. Why in hells name is this woman so happy, she has no one here that cares for her and yet she is smiling ear to ear. Turning my gaze to Kaede I shot her a scolding look.

"You told her my name?"

Kaede nods. "Yes but that is all I've told her other than how you help in our work that is the only thing I have told young Kagome about you."

"Well I've seen and I've heard so I'll be going now."

Turning to start my leave Kagome speaks up.

"Wait! That's it? Your not going to let me get to know you at all?"

Gazing back at her I grin,

"Kagome was it?" She nods.

" Let me get something straight with you. I don't do getting to know eacother or friendships or any of that flower picking shit. I just tell people when their going to die and go on about my life, so yeah thats it, and as nice as it was meeting you I have better things to do like shove sticks in my eyes or eat a disease ridden rabbit. "

The look of pure shock on her face is almost funny.

"We're not friends, and we never will be."

Turning to look at Kaede she shots me a horrified look which I return with a grin before turning and making my way out of the hut without another word. 

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