Chapter 9

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While walking home I knew I must have looked like some kind of crazy person with the way a silly smile was stuck on my face.

Quickly making it to my hut I lazily push the bamboo door to the side before flopping down upon my straw bed.

Letting out a heavy sigh I go to close my now heavy eyes before I am quickly interrupted. 

"InuYasha! What do you think you're doing!!" I jump in surprise before scanning the room, eventually spotting myoga in the corner slowly making his way over to me. 

"Why we're you with that girl all night? You know what I told you! You can't go falling in love with a girl like her!" I scowl and lay my head down. 

"Shut up! I'm not falling in love with her, we're just friends." Myoga climbs onto my chest and I lazily look at him. "Oh yeah? Well I guess it is completely normal for friends to kiss each other!" 

I growl. "How the hell did you know about that!? Are you stalking me!" I sit up and quickly grab him within my hand. 

"No I'm not stalking you! I'm watching out for you just like I promised your father I would!" 

"Well stay out of it Myoga I'm a grown man now, I don't need you creeping me. Now let me sleep before I flick you so far away you won't be able to make it back here for years!" I throw him away and lay back down. 

Sleep slowly begins to encase me again before I catch the scent of burning corpses and am immediately startled.

Hastily getting up and exiting my hut I sniff the air to see which direction the disgusting smell is coming from.

To my relief I quickly figure out the scent isn't coming from Kaede's village but in the other direction of it.

I groan to myself as I decide to go check out what the hell is going on in the village next to us.

Running at full speed in hopes of getting back to my hut and getting some sleep before sunrise I make it to the now burning wreak of a village.

The smell is burning my nose and making my eyes water. After looking around and seeing no one alive I turn to leave before hearing a cry.

And not just any cry, a baby cry.

Turning to face the hut where the crying is coming from I quickly push myself inside following the noise to what looks like an old room. Shoving aside a large beam of wood I see a young woman hunched over and unmoving.

Looking above her head I see no numbers which means it's to late for her. Gently peeling the woman's hunched over body back I see the baby she was cradling in her arms.

The mother must have died protecting this baby, just as my mother died protecting me.

I take a closer look at the child who's dark blue eyes have come into contact with mine. She immediately stops crying and stares at me in bewilderment.

My ears twitch as I hear another one of the beams start to break and I waste no time in scoping up the baby and tucking her between my shirts to keep her from the smoke around us.

Once outside, the hut finally gives into the flames and fully crumbles to the ground.

Feeling the child moving I look down to take a better look at her.

She's very tiny, I'm guessing only a couple months old with a little patch of black hair upon her head and as I saw before her eyes are blue, only now looking an ocean blue due to the sun shining in them. She's a human child that's for sure, tiny and very helpless at this age.

Feeling my eyes starting to burn again from the horrid smells around us I take one last look around and decide it's time to leave, what's been done to this village is out of my hands and sadly no one else seems to have survived.

Taking a few strides I suddenly feel a harsh burning sensation in my shoulder.

I've been stabbed.

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